Configure GitHub OAuth2 Authentication

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Enterprise Open source

Configure GitHub OAuth2 authentication

To enable the GitHub OAuth2 you must register your application with GitHub. GitHub will generate a client ID and secret key for you to use.

Configure GitHub OAuth application

You need to create a GitHub OAuth application (you will find this under the GitHub settings page). When you create the application you will need to specify a callback URL. Specify this as callback:


This callback URL must match the full HTTP address that you use in your browser to access Grafana, but with the suffix path of /login/github. When the GitHub OAuth application is created you will get a Client ID and a Client Secret. Specify these in the Grafana configuration file. For example:

Enable GitHub in Grafana

enabled = true
allow_sign_up = true
scopes = user:email,read:org
auth_url =
token_url =
api_url =
team_ids =
allowed_organizations =

You may have to set the root_url option of [server] for the callback URL to be correct. For example in case you are serving Grafana behind a proxy.

Restart the Grafana back-end. You should now see a GitHub login button on the login page. You can now login or sign up with your GitHub accounts.

You may allow users to sign-up via GitHub authentication by setting the allow_sign_up option to true. When this option is set to true, any user successfully authenticating via GitHub authentication will be automatically signed up.


Require an active team membership for at least one of the given teams on GitHub. If the authenticated user isn’t a member of at least one of the teams they will not be able to register or authenticate with your Grafana instance. For example:

enabled = true
scopes = user:email,read:org
team_ids = 150,300
auth_url =
token_url =
api_url =
allow_sign_up = true


Require an active organization membership for at least one of the given organizations on GitHub. If the authenticated user isn’t a member of at least one of the organizations they will not be able to register or authenticate with your Grafana instance. For example

enabled = true
scopes = user:email,read:org
auth_url =
token_url =
api_url =
allow_sign_up = true
# space-delimited organization names
allowed_organizations = github google

Map roles

You can use GitHub OAuth to map roles. During mapping, Grafana checks for the presence of a role using the JMESPath specified via the role_attribute_path configuration option.

For the path lookup, Grafana uses JSON obtained from querying GitHub’s API /api/user endpoint and a groups key containing all of the user’s teams (retrieved from /api/user/teams).

The result of evaluating the role_attribute_path JMESPath expression must be a valid Grafana role, for example, Viewer, Editor or Admin. For more information about roles and permissions in Grafana, refer to Roles and permissions.

Warning: Currently if no organization role mapping is found for a user, Grafana doesn’t update the user’s organization role. This is going to change in Grafana 10. To avoid overriding manually set roles, enable the oauth_skip_org_role_update_sync option. See configure-grafana for more information.

On first login, if therole_attribute_path property does not return a role, then the user is assigned the role specified by the auto_assign_org_role option. You can disable this default role assignment by setting role_attribute_strict = true. It denies user access if no role or an invalid role is returned.

Warning: With Grafana 10, on every login, if therole_attribute_path property does not return a role, then the user is assigned the role specified by the auto_assign_org_role option.

An example Query could look like the following:

role_attribute_path = [login==octocat] && 'Admin' || 'Viewer'

This allows the user with login “octocat” to be mapped to the Admin role, but all other users to be mapped to the Viewer role.

Map roles using teams

Teams can also be used to map roles. For instance, if you have a team called ’example-group’ you can use the following snippet to ensure those members inherit the role ‘Editor’.

role_attribute_path = contains(groups[*], '@github/example-group') && 'Editor' || 'Viewer'

Note: If a match is found in other fields, teams will be ignored.

Map server administrator privileges

Available in Grafana v9.2 and later versions.

If the application role received by Grafana is GrafanaAdmin, Grafana grants the user server administrator privileges.
This is useful if you want to grant server administrator privileges to a subset of users.
Grafana also assigns the user the Admin role of the default organization.

The setting allow_assign_grafana_admin under [auth.github] must be set to true for this to work.
If the setting is set to false, the user is assigned the role of Admin of the default organization, but not server administrator privileges.

allow_assign_grafana_admin = true


role_attribute_path = [login==octocat] && 'GrafanaAdmin' || 'Viewer'

Team Sync (Enterprise only)

Only available in Grafana Enterprise v6.3+

With Team Sync you can map your GitHub org teams to teams in Grafana so that your users will automatically be added to the correct teams.

Your GitHub teams can be referenced in two ways:

  • @<org>/<slug>

Example: @grafana/developers

Learn more about Team Sync