Shift swap requests HTTP API


As of 2025-03-11, Grafana OnCall OSS has entered maintenance mode, and will be archived on 2026-03-24. No further feature development will occur; however, we will still provide fixes for critical bugs and for valid CVEs with a CVSS score of 7.0 or higher. For more information, refer to our blog post.

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Shift swap requests HTTP API

Create a shift swap request

Required permission: grafana-oncall-app.schedules:write

curl "{{API_URL}}/api/v1/shift_swaps/" \
  --request POST \
  --header "Authorization: meowmeowmeow" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{
        "schedule": "SRJWJCMKD68AL",
        "swap_start": "2026-06-11T00:00:00Z",
        "swap_end": "2026-07-19T22:00:00Z",
        "description": "Anyone to cover my shifts?",
        "beneficiary": "UWJWIN8MQ1GYL"

The above command returns JSON structured in the following way:

   "benefactor" : null,
   "beneficiary" : "UWJWIN8MQ1GYL",
   "created_at" : "2023-08-11T19:20:17.064677Z",
   "description" : "Anyone to cover my shifts?",
   "id" : "SSRG1TDNBMJQ1NC",
   "schedule" : "SRJWJCMKD68AL",
   "shifts" : [
         "all_day" : false,
         "calendar_type" : 0,
         "end" : "2026-06-11T03:00:00Z",
         "is_empty" : false,
         "is_gap" : false,
         "is_override" : false,
         "missing_users" : [],
         "priority_level" : 2,
         "shift" : {
            "pk" : "OTI13GNNE5V1L"
         "source" : "web",
         "start" : "2026-06-11T00:00:00Z",
         "users" : [
               "avatar_full" : "http://avatar.url",
               "display_name" : "testing",
               "email" : "testing",
               "pk" : "UWJWIN8MQ1GYL",
               "swap_request" : {
                  "pk" : "SSRG1TDNBMJQ1NC"
   "status" : "open",
   "swap_end" : "2026-07-19T22:00:00.000000Z",
   "swap_start" : "2026-06-11T00:00:00.000000Z",
   "updated_at" : "2023-08-11T19:20:17.064922Z"
scheduleNoYesID of the schedule.
swap_startNoYesStart date/time for the swap request. Must be a ISO 8601 formatted datetime string.
swap_endNoNoEnd date/time for the swap request. Must be a ISO 8601 formatted datetime string.
descriptionNoOptionalA description message to be displayed along the request.
beneficiaryNoYesID of the user requesting the swap.

HTTP request

POST {{API_URL}}/api/v1/shift_swaps/

Get a shift swap request

Required permission: grafana-oncall-app.schedules:read

curl "{{API_URL}}/api/v1/shift_swaps/SSRG1TDNBMJQ1NC/" \
  --request GET \
  --header "Authorization: meowmeowmeow" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json"

The above command returns JSON structured in the following way:

   "benefactor" : null,
   "beneficiary" : "UWJWIN8MQ1GYL",
   "created_at" : "2023-08-11T19:20:17.064677Z",
   "description" : "Anyone to cover my shifts?",
   "id" : "SSRG1TDNBMJQ1NC",
   "schedule" : "SRJWJCMKD68AL",
   "shifts" : [
         "all_day" : false,
         "calendar_type" : 0,
         "end" : "2026-06-11T03:00:00Z",
         "is_empty" : false,
         "is_gap" : false,
         "is_override" : false,
         "missing_users" : [],
         "priority_level" : 2,
         "shift" : {
            "pk" : "OTI13GNNE5V1L"
         "source" : "web",
         "start" : "2026-06-11T00:00:00Z",
         "users" : [
               "avatar_full" : "http://avatar.url",
               "display_name" : "testing",
               "email" : "testing",
               "pk" : "UWJWIN8MQ1GYL",
               "swap_request" : {
                  "pk" : "SSRG1TDNBMJQ1NC"
   "status" : "open",
   "swap_end" : "2026-07-19T22:00:00.000000Z",
   "swap_start" : "2026-06-11T00:00:00.000000Z",
   "updated_at" : "2023-08-11T19:20:17.064922Z"

HTTP request

GET {{API_URL}}/api/v1/shift_swaps/<SHIFT_SWAP_REQUEST_ID>/

List shift swap requests

Required permission: grafana-oncall-app.schedules:read

curl "{{API_URL}}/api/v1/shift_swaps/" \
  --request GET \
  --header "Authorization: meowmeowmeow" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json"

The above command returns JSON structured in the following way:

   "count" : 2,
   "current_page_number" : 1,
   "next" : null,
   "page_size" : 50,
   "previous" : null,
   "results" : [
         "benefactor" : "UWJWIN8MQ1GYL",
         "beneficiary" : "UCGEIXI1MR1NZ",
         "created_at" : "2023-08-07T18:44:15.249679Z",
         "description" : "Taking a few days off.",
         "id" : "SSRK2EH2TR6E4F9",
         "schedule" : "SRZZFY1QI9FLL",
         "status" : "taken",
         "swap_end" : "2024-09-29T03:00:18.000000Z",
         "swap_start" : "2024-09-26T03:00:18.000000Z",
         "updated_at" : "2024-08-07T18:44:15.249960Z"
         "benefactor" : null,
         "beneficiary" : "UWJWIN8MQ1GYL",
         "created_at" : "2023-08-11T19:20:17.064677Z",
         "description" : "Anyone to cover my shifts?",
         "id" : "SSRG1TDNBMJQ1NC",
         "schedule" : "SRJWJCMKD68AL",
         "status" : "open",
         "swap_end" : "2026-07-19T22:00:00.000000Z",
         "swap_start" : "2026-06-11T00:00:00.000000Z",
         "updated_at" : "2023-08-11T19:20:17.064922Z"
   "total_pages" : 1

Note: The response is paginated. You may need to make multiple requests to get all records.

The following available filter parameters may be provided as a GET arguments:

  • starting_after (an ISO 8601 timestamp string, filter requests starting after the specified datetime)
  • schedule_id (Exact match, schedule ID)
  • beneficiary (Exact match, user ID)
  • benefactor (Exact match, user ID)
  • open_only (set to true to filter active untaken requests only)

HTTP request

GET {{API_URL}}/api/v1/shift_swaps/

Update a shift swap request

Required permission: grafana-oncall-app.schedules:write

curl "{{API_URL}}/api/v1/shift_swaps/SSRG1TDNBMJQ1NC/" \
  --request PUT \
  --header "Authorization: meowmeowmeow" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{
        "schedule": "SRJWJCMKD68AL",
        "swap_start": "2026-06-11T00:00:00Z",
        "swap_end": "2026-07-20T22:00:00Z"

The above command returns JSON structured in the following way:

   "benefactor" : null,
   "beneficiary" : "UWJWIN8MQ1GYL",
   "created_at" : "2023-08-11T19:20:17.064677Z",
   "description" : "Anyone to cover my shifts?",
   "id" : "SSRG1TDNBMJQ1NC",
   "schedule" : "SRJWJCMKD68AL",
   "shifts" : [
         "all_day" : false,
         "calendar_type" : 0,
         "end" : "2026-06-11T03:00:00Z",
         "is_empty" : false,
         "is_gap" : false,
         "is_override" : false,
         "missing_users" : [],
         "priority_level" : 2,
         "shift" : {
            "pk" : "OTI13GNNE5V1L"
         "source" : "web",
         "start" : "2026-06-11T00:00:00Z",
         "users" : [
               "avatar_full" : "http://avatar.url",
               "display_name" : "testing",
               "email" : "testing",
               "pk" : "UWJWIN8MQ1GYL",
               "swap_request" : {
                  "pk" : "SSRG1TDNBMJQ1NC"
   "status" : "open",
   "swap_end" : "2026-07-20T22:00:00.000000Z",
   "swap_start" : "2026-06-11T00:00:00.000000Z",
   "updated_at" : "2023-08-11T19:45:53.096811Z"

HTTP request

PUT {{API_URL}}/api/v1/shift_swaps/<SHIFT_SWAP_REQUEST_ID>/

Delete a shift swap request

Required permission: grafana-oncall-app.schedules:write

curl "{{API_URL}}/api/v1/shift_swaps/SSRG1TDNBMJQ1NC/" \
  --request DELETE \
  --header "Authorization: meowmeowmeow" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json"

HTTP request

DELETE {{API_URL}}/api/v1/shift_swaps/<SHIFT_SWAP_REQUEST_ID>/

Take a shift swap request

Required permission: grafana-oncall-app.schedules:write

curl "{{API_URL}}/api/v1/shift_swaps/SSRG1TDNBMJQ1NC/take" \
  --request POST \
  --header "Authorization: meowmeowmeow" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{
        "benefactor": "UCGEIXI1MR1NZ"

The above command returns JSON structured in the following way:

   "benefactor" : "UCGEIXI1MR1NZ",
   "beneficiary" : "UWJWIN8MQ1GYL",
   "created_at" : "2023-08-11T19:20:17.064677Z",
   "description" : "Anyone to cover my shifts?",
   "id" : "SSRG1TDNBMJQ1NC",
   "schedule" : "SRJWJCMKD68AL",
   "shifts" : [
         "all_day" : false,
         "calendar_type" : 0,
         "end" : "2026-06-11T03:00:00Z",
         "is_empty" : false,
         "is_gap" : false,
         "is_override" : false,
         "missing_users" : [],
         "priority_level" : 2,
         "shift" : {
            "pk" : "OTI13GNNE5V1L"
         "source" : "web",
         "start" : "2026-06-11T00:00:00Z",
         "users" : [
               "avatar_full" : "http://avatar.url",
               "display_name" : "anotherone",
               "email" : "anotherone",
               "pk" : "UCGEIXI1MR1NZ",
               "swap_request" : {
                  "pk" : "SSRG1TDNBMJQ1NC",
                  "user" : {
                     "avatar_full" : "http://avatar.url",
                     "display_name" : "testing",
                     "email" : "testing",
                     "pk" : "UWJWIN8MQ1GYL"
   "status" : "taken",
   "swap_end" : "2026-07-20T22:00:00.000000Z",
   "swap_start" : "2026-06-11T00:00:00.000000Z",
   "updated_at" : "2023-08-11T19:51:38.622037Z"
benefactorNoYesID of the user taking the swap.

HTTP request

POST {{API_URL}}/api/v1/shift_swaps/<SHIFT_SWAP_REQUEST_ID>/take