Grafana OnCall HTTP API reference

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

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HTTP API Reference

Use the following guidelines for the Grafana OnCall API.


To authorize, use the Authorization header:

# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl "api_endpoint_here" --header "Authorization: "api_key_here""

Grafana OnCall uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can request a new OnCall API key in OnCall -> Settings page.

An API key is specific to a user and a Grafana stack. If you want to switch to a different stack configuration, request a different API key.


List endpoints such as List Integrations or List Alert Groups return multiple objects.

The OnCall API returns them in pages. Note that the page size may vary.

countThe total number of items. It can be 0 if a request does not return any data.
nextA link to the next page. It can be null if the next page does not contain any data.
previousA link to the previous page. It can be null if the previous page does not contain any data.
resultsThe data list. Can be [] if a request does not return any data.

Rate Limits

Grafana OnCall provides rate limits to ensure alert group notifications will be delivered to your Slack workspace even when some integrations produce a large number of alerts.

Monitoring integrations Rate Limits

Rate limited response HTTP status: 429

ScopeAmountTime Frame
Alerts from each integration3005 minutes
Alerts from the whole organization5005 minutes

API rate limits

You can reduce or increase rate limits depending on platform status.

ScopeAmountTime Frame
API requests per API key3005 minutes