randomString(length, [charset])

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randomString(length, [charset])

Function returns a random string of a given length, optionally selected from a custom character set.

lengthintLength of the random string
charset (optional)stringA customized list of characters


anyRandom item(s) from the array of characters


import { randomString } from 'https://jslib.k6.io/k6-utils/1.2.0/index.js';

export default function () {
  const randomFirstName = randomString(8);
  console.log(`Hello, my first name is ${randomFirstName}`);

  const randomLastName = randomString(10, `aeioubcdfghijpqrstuv`);
  console.log(`Hello, my last name is ${randomLastName}`);

  const randomCharacterWeighted = randomString(1, `AAAABBBCCD`);
  console.log(`Chose a random character ${randomCharacterWeighted}`);