Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.
Variables allows for more interactive and dynamic dashboards. Instead of hard-coding things like server, application and sensor name in you metric queries you can use variables in their place. Variables are shown as dropdown select boxes at the top of the dashboard. These dropdowns make it easy to change the data being displayed in your dashboard.

What is a variable?
A variable is a placeholder for a value. You can use variables in metric queries and in panel titles. So when you change the value, using the dropdown at the top of the dashboard, your panel’s metric queries will change to reflect the new value.
Panel titles and metric queries can refer to variables using two different syntaxes:
Example: apps.frontend.$server.requests.count[[varname]]
Example: apps.frontend.[[server]].requests.count
Why two ways? The first syntax is easier to read and write but does not allow you to use a variable in the middle of word. Use
the second syntax in expressions like my.server[[serverNumber]].count
Before queries are sent to your data source the query is interpolated, meaning the variable is replaced with its current value. During interpolation the variable value might be escaped in order to conform to the syntax of the query language and where it is used. For example, a variable used in a regex expression in an InfluxDB or Prometheus query will be regex escaped. Read the data source specific documentation article for details on value escaping during interpolation.
Variable options
A variable is presented as a dropdown select box at the top of the dashboard. It has a current value and a set of options. The options is the set of values you can choose from.
Adding a variable

You add variables via Dashboard cogs menu > Templating. This opens up a list of variables and a New
button to create a new variable.
Basic variable options
Variable types
Query options
This variable type is the most powerful and complex as it can dynamically fetch its options using a data source query.
Using regex to filter/modify values in the Variable dropdown
Using the Regex Query Option, you filter the list of options returned by the Variable query or modify the options returned.
Examples of filtering on the following list of options:
Filter so that only the options that end with 01
or 02
are returned:
Filter and modify the options using a regex capture group to return part of the text:
Filter and modify - Prometheus Example
List of options:
up{instance="",job="prometheus"} 1 1521630638000
up{instance="",job="alertmanager"} 1 1521630638000
up{instance="",job="node"} 1 1521630638000
Query expressions
The query expressions are different for each data source.
- Graphite templating queries
- Elasticsearch templating queries
- InfluxDB templating queries
- Prometheus templating queries
- OpenTSDB templating queries
One thing to note is that query expressions can contain references to other variables and in effect create linked variables. Grafana will detect this and automatically refresh a variable when one of it’s containing variables change.
Selection Options
Formatting multiple values
Interpolating a variable with multiple values selected is tricky as it is not straight forward how to format the multiple values to into a string that is valid in the given context where the variable is used. Grafana tries to solve this by allowing each data source plugin to inform the templating interpolation engine what format to use for multiple values.
Note that the Custom all value option on the variable will have to be left blank for Grafana to format all values into a single string.
Graphite, for example, uses glob expressions. A variable with multiple values would, in this case, be interpolated as {host1,host2,host3}
the current variable value was host1, host2 and host3.
InfluxDB and Prometheus uses regex expressions, so the same variable
would be interpolated as (host1|host2|host3)
. Every value would also be regex escaped if not, a value with a regex control character would
break the regex expression.
Elasticsearch uses lucene query syntax, so the same variable would, in this case, be formatted as ("host1" OR "host2" OR "host3")
. In this case every value
needs to be escaped so that the value can contain lucene control words and quotation marks.
Formatting troubles
Automatic escaping & formatting can cause problems and it can be tricky to grasp the logic is behind it. Especially for InfluxDB and Prometheus where the use of regex syntax requires that the variable is used in regex operator context. If you do not want Grafana to do this automatic regex escaping and formatting your only option is to disable the Multi-value or Include All option options.
Value groups/tags
If you have a lot of options in the dropdown for a multi-value variable. You can use this feature to group the values into selectable tags.

Interval variables
Use the Interval
type to create a variable that represents a time span (eg. 1m
, 1d
). There is also a special auto
option that will change depending on the current time range. You can specify how many times the current time range should be divided to calculate the current auto
This variable type is useful as a parameter to group by time (for InfluxDB), Date histogram interval (for Elasticsearch) or as a summarize function parameter (for Graphite).
Example using the template variable myinterval
of type Interval
in a graphite function:
summarize($myinterval, sum, false)
Global Built-in Variables
Grafana has global built-in variables that can be used in expressions in the query editor.
The $__interval Variable
This $__interval variable is similar to the auto
interval variable that is described above. It can be used as a parameter to group by time (for InfluxDB), Date histogram interval (for Elasticsearch) or as a summarize function parameter (for Graphite).
Grafana automatically calculates an interval that can be used to group by time in queries. When there are more data points than can be shown on a graph then queries can be made more efficient by grouping by a larger interval. It is more efficient to group by 1 day than by 10s when looking at 3 months of data and the graph will look the same and the query will be faster. The $__interval
is calculated using the time range and the width of the graph (the number of pixels).
Approximate Calculation: (from - to) / resolution
For example, when the time range is 1 hour and the graph is full screen, then the interval might be calculated to 2m
- points are grouped in 2 minute intervals. If the time range is 6 months and the graph is full screen, then the interval might be 1d
(1 day) - points are grouped by day.
In the InfluxDB data source, the legacy variable $interval
is the same variable. $__interval
should be used instead.
The InfluxDB and Elasticsearch data sources have Group by time interval
fields that are used to hard code the interval or to set the minimum limit for the $__interval
variable (by using the >
syntax -> >10m
The $__interval_ms Variable
This variable is the $__interval
variable in milliseconds (and not a time interval formatted string). For example, if the $__interval
is 20m
then the $__interval_ms
is 1200000
The $timeFilter or $__timeFilter Variable
The $timeFilter
variable returns the currently selected time range as an expression. For example, the time range interval Last 7 days
expression is time > now() - 7d
This is used in the WHERE clause for the InfluxDB data source. Grafana adds it automatically to InfluxDB queries when in Query Editor Mode. It has to be added manually in Text Editor Mode: WHERE $timeFilter
The $__timeFilter
is used in the MySQL data source.
The $__name Variable
This variable is only available in the Singlestat panel and can be used in the prefix or suffix fields on the Options tab. The variable will be replaced with the series name or alias.
Repeating Panels
Template variables can be very useful to dynamically change your queries across a whole dashboard. If you want Grafana to dynamically create new panels or rows based on what values you have selected you can use the Repeat feature.
If you have a variable with Multi-value
or Include all value
options enabled you can choose one panel or one row and have Grafana repeat that row
for every selected value. You find this option under the General tab in panel edit mode. Select the variable to repeat by, and a min span
The min span
controls how small Grafana will make the panels (if you have many values selected). Grafana will automatically adjust the width of
each repeated panel so that the whole row is filled. Currently, you cannot mix other panels on a row with a repeated panel.
Only make changes to the first panel (the original template). To have the changes take effect on all panels you need to trigger a dynamic dashboard re-build. You can do this by either changing the variable value (that is the basis for the repeat) or reload the dashboard.
Repeating Rows
This option requires you to open the row options view. Hover over the row left side to trigger the row menu, in this menu click Row Options
. This
opens the row options view. Here you find a Repeat dropdown where you can select the variable to repeat by.
URL state
Variable values are always synced to the URL using the syntax var-<varname>=value