
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

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SecretsManagerClient interacts with the AWS Secrets Manager.

With it, you can perform several operations such as listing, creating and downloading secrets owned by the authenticated user. For a full list of supported operations, see Methods.

SecretsManagerClient is included in both the dedicated jslib secrets-manager.js bundle, and the aws.js one, containing all the services clients.


listSecrets()List secrets owned by the authenticated user
getSecret(secretID)Download a secret
createSecret(name, secretString, description, [versionID], [tags])Create a new secret
putSecretValue(secretID, secretString, [versionID])Update a secret
deleteSecret(secretID, { recoveryWindow: 30, noRecovery: false}})Delete a secret


S3 Client methods will throw errors in case of failure.

InvalidSignatureErrorwhen invalid credentials were provided.
SecretsManagerServiceErrorwhen AWS replied to the requested operation with an error.


import exec from 'k6/execution';

import { AWSConfig, SecretsManagerClient } from '';

const awsConfig = new AWSConfig({
  region: __ENV.AWS_REGION,
  accessKeyId: __ENV.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
  secretAccessKey: __ENV.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,

const secretsManager = new SecretsManagerClient(awsConfig);
const testSecretName = 'jslib-test-secret';
const testSecretValue = 'jslib-test-value';

export async function setup() {
  // Let's make sure our test secret is created
  const testSecret = await secretsManager.createSecret(
    'this is a test secret, delete me.'

  // List the secrets the AWS authentication configuration
  // gives us access to, and verify the creation was successful.
  const secrets = await secretsManager.listSecrets();
  if (!secrets.filter((s) => === == 0) {
    exec.test.abort('test secret not found');

export default async function () {
  // Knnowing that we know the secret exist, let's update its value
  const newTestSecretValue = 'new-test-value';
  await secretsManager.putSecretValue(testSecretName, newTestSecretValue);

  // Let's get its value and verify it was indeed updated
  const updatedSecret = await secretsManager.getSecret(testSecretName);
  if (updatedSecret.secret !== newTestSecretValue) {
    exec.test.abort('unable to update test secret');

  // Let's now use our secret in the context of our load test...

export async function teardown() {
  // Finally, let's clean after ourselves and delete our test secret
  await secretsManager.deleteSecret(testSecretName, { noRecovery: true });