Configure deployment mode

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source

Configure deployment mode

Grafana Mimir supports multiple deployment modes. By default, the provided Jsonnet deploys in microservices mode. Monolithic mode is not supported in Jsonnet.

Use Read-Write deployment mode

Warning: Read-Write deployment mode is currently considered experimental.


Read-write deployment mode requires that you use multi-zone ingesters and multi-zone store gateways. Additionally, rule evaluation is performed within mimir-backend, so you must disable ruler remote evaluation.

You can set the deployment mode via the deployment_mode configuration variable:

  _config+:: {
    deployment_mode: 'read-write',

    mimir_write_replicas: 15,
    mimir_read_replicas: 6,
    mimir_backend_replicas: 9,

    // Requirements.
    multi_zone_ingester_enabled: true,
    multi_zone_store_gateway_enabled: true,
    ruler_remote_evaluation_enabled: false,

    // Disable microservices autoscaling.
    autoscaling_querier_enabled: false,
    autoscaling_ruler_querier_enabled: false,


You can configure autoscaling for the read path:

  _config+:: {
    autoscaling_mimir_read_enabled: true,
    autoscaling_mimir_read_min_replicas: 2,
    autoscaling_mimir_read_max_replicas: 20,

CLI flags for read-write components are inherited from the microservices. For example:

  _config+:: {
    // This change also applies to mimir-backend.
    store_gateway_args+:: {
      'blocks-storage.bucket-store.sync-interval': '5m',

⚠️ Pitfall: Kubernetes resources’ overrides are not inherited. Remember to apply overrides to both microservices and read-write components, if you make changes to any of the following items:

  • Container specification, for example environment variables
  • Deployment
  • StatefulSet
  • Service
  • PodDisruptionBudget

For example:

  _config+:: {
    // This change will NOT be applied to mimir-write too.
        ['GOGC', '50')]

        ['GOGC', '50')]