Plugins 〉Shift Selector


Isa Ozler

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Shift Selector

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Grafana Shift Selector Plugin


The shift selector allows you to adjust the time range of your grafana dashboard to one specific shift or a range of shifts. On this page we'll show you how it works and how you can adjust the displayed shifts to a specific season or production line.

Shift selector

Realtime Shift Track feature (new feature*)

With this new feature, you can enable the shift selector to track shifts automatically based on the local time. So you don't need to change shifts manually. To use this new feature, you need to enable it through the panel options.

  • Enable the "Real-time shift auto-select"
  • Determine a refresh interval (these should be according to the time interval pattern of Grafana. Eg. for 5 seconds -> 5s, 1 hour -> 1h)
  • Optionally, if you have multiple groups, determine a group to auto-select from. It uses the group_uuid

Be aware that enabling real-time will hide the date and range selectors

Shift selector Realtime

New panel options

  • Data Mapper replaces the variables var_query_map
  • Simple quick start flow (without need the need of variables)
  • Icon mapper added to match the icons
  • Customize day selection label. Useful if you like to localize or specify a different label.
  • Display options for the shift buttons.
    • With this new option you are able to show the buttons in;
      • only text
      • only icons
      • or with icons and text, which is the default option
  • Change the range "Start-End", "Start" and, "End" labels.

Quick Start (static shifts)

With this plugin you are able to choose between dynamic (from a datasource) and static.

To start quickly, set shifts (groups) in the Data Mapper panel:

  • Set Shifts from a data source to false
  • Copy-paste the json shown below as an example
  "static": {
    "shifts": [
        "group": "Group 1",
        "group_uuid": "group_uuid_1",
        "uuid": "shift_uuid_1",
        "label": "Morning Custom",
        "startTime": "06:00:00",
        "endTime": "14:00:00",
        "order": 1
        "group": "Group 2",
        "group_uuid": "group_uuid_2",
        "uuid": "shift_uuid_2",
        "label": "Afternoon Custom",
        "startTime": "14:00:00",
        "endTime": "22:00:00",
        "order": 1
        "group": "Group 2",
        "group_uuid": "group_uuid_2",
        "uuid": "shift_uuid_3",
        "label": "Night Custom",
        "startTime": "22:00:00",
        "endTime": "06:00:00",
        "order": 2

Now you are able to see the shifts in two groups. Group 1 and Group 2. This could for example be summer or winter time.

In order to set you shifts from a datasource please continue to read.

Shifts from datasources


The options you can choose are: (from left to right)

  • Date selection: select a date for which you want to set a shift.
  • Select which time you want to change. The dots at the end of the line shows whether you will change the start time, end time or both:
  • Shift (two dots): change the time selection of the dashboard to the selected shift. This will set both start and end time of your dashboard. Both start and end time of the shift are displayed in the button. Shift selector
  • Start time (dot on left): only change the start time of the time selection to the start time of the selected shift. The times displayed are the start times of the shifts. Shift start time
  • End time (dot on right): only change the end time of the time selection to the end time of the selected shift. The times displayed are the end times of the shifts. Shift end time

Multiple shift groups

The shift selector can also handle multiple shift groups, to distinguish between them, the names of these groups are added in front of the buttons. However, if there is only one shift group available, that name will disappear, as in the example above. Multiple shift groups

Changes to time selection in Grafana

When you click a button, the selected time will change to the selected shift time. In this example we have chosen two seasonal shift groups: one for the summer and one for the winter.

Group nameShift nameShift orderStart timeEnd time

In this example we have selected the day May 17th 2021 which leads to the following shift times:

Group nameShift nameUpdated start timeUpdated end time
Summer1. MorningMay 17th 8:00May 17th 14:00
Summer2. AfternoonMay 17th 14:00May 17th 22:00
Summer3. NightMay 17th 22:00May 18th 8:00
Winter1. NightMay 16th 22:30May 17th 10:30
Winter2. DayMay 17th 10:30May 17th 22:30

The dates in bold are the dates that belong to a shift that passes midnight. The dates are updated accordingly.

Warning: the shift selector only works well when your computer is in the right timezone. Changing the timezone in Grafana does not affect the behavior of the shift selector.

How to add it?

In order to add the shift selector, you'll have to do two things:

  1. Create a ShiftSelector panel

  2. Create a hidden variable with the names of the shifts you want to display. To do so, go to 'dashboard settings' -> 'variables' -> 'add new variable'. Then use the following settings to create the variable:

    1. Database

      • Name: var_shifts_dataModel
      • Type: Data source
      • Hide: Variable
      • Data source
        • Type: Database type
        • Instance name filter: Name of your data source containing the shifts data

      This will result in:

      • The data source will be listed in the 'Preview of values' above the submit button.
    2. Shifts data model mapper

      • Name: var_query_map
      • Type: Constant
      • Constant options
        • Value: here you can paste the mapper object. You can find an example in the var_query_map.example.js file. You can remove the static values because you will be fetching them from your datasource.
          • Options JSON object
            • project
              • shift_groups: contains the shift_groups table fields. You can change the name, uuid, site_uuid fields according to your database scheme.
              • shifts: contains the shifts table fields. Change the uuid, start_time, end_time, order, group_uuid according to your databse scheme.
            • lookup
              • shifts: the name of your shifts table
              • shift_groups: the name of your shift groups table
            • schema
              • shifts (optional): the namespace of your shifts table database
              • shift_groups (optional): the namespace of your shift groups table database
            • values
              • site_uuid (optional): in case you want to select a specific site
    3. Options

      • Name: var_shifts_options
      • Type: Query
      • Hide: Variable
      • Data source: {{Your Database containing the shifts and shift-groups}}
      • Refresh: On Dashboard Load
      • Query: a query to select the shifts associated with your factory. You can also expand the query by filtering on for instance shift group or production line (examples).
      SELECT AS '__text',
         S.uuid AS '__value'
      FROM shifts S

      This will result in: variable settings

*Note that when you have multiple shift groups with shifts with the same name, the names of the shifts should be unique. If both shift groups have a shift named 'morning', it is easiest to make the name of the shift unique by adding the shift order or the shift group name to the AS '__text' in the query, two examples:

CONCAT(S.shift_order, '. ', AS '__text', -- to add the number of the order of the shift
CONCAT(, ' - ', AS '__text',  -- to add the shift group name

Database: example

  • sites
CREATE TABLE `sites` (
  `uuid` varchar(22) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`uuid`),
  UNIQUE KEY `name_UNIQUE` (`name`),
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;
  • shift_groups
CREATE TABLE `shift_groups` (
  `uuid` varchar(22) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `site_uuid` varchar(22) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`uuid`),
  UNIQUE KEY `site_uuid_name_UNIQUE` (`site_uuid`,`name`),
  KEY `shift_group_site_uuid_idx` (`site_uuid`),
  CONSTRAINT `shift_group_site_uuid` FOREIGN KEY (`site_uuid`) REFERENCES `sites` (`uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;
  • shifts
CREATE TABLE `shifts` (
  `uuid` varchar(22) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Name or description of shift',
  `shift_order` int NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order of the shifts on a operational day for the shift_group_uuid as referenced by shift_group_uuid',
  `start_time` time NOT NULL COMMENT 'The time that the shift starts (local timezone)',
  `end_time` time NOT NULL COMMENT 'The time that the shift ends (local timezone)',
  `shift_group_uuid` varchar(22) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Uuid of the shift group',
  PRIMARY KEY (`uuid`),
  UNIQUE KEY `name_group_uuid_UNIQUE` (`shift_group_uuid`,`name`),
  UNIQUE KEY `order_group_uuid_UNIQUE` (`shift_group_uuid`,`shift_order`),
  UNIQUE KEY `start_time_group_uuid_UNIQUE` (`shift_group_uuid`,`start_time`),
  UNIQUE KEY `end_time_group_uuid_UNIQUE` (`shift_group_uuid`,`end_time`),
  KEY `shifts_group_uuid_idx` (`shift_group_uuid`),
  CONSTRAINT `shifts_shift_group_uuid_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`shift_group_uuid`) REFERENCES `shift_groups` (`uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;

Appendix: filtering queries

If you want to filter the shifts that are displayed to for instance a certain shift group or belonging to a production line, you can add extra variables to your dashboard and implement them in the variable shifts_options. Two examples are described below, of which the production line example has been implemented in a couple of global dashboards.

Filter on production line

Create a variable to select the production line (or work center):

  • Variable name: work center

  • Query: (update example01 to your factory code)

    SELECT AS '__text',
        WC.uuid AS '__value'
    FROM work_centers WC
    LEFT JOIN sites SI ON SI.uuid = WC.site_uuid
    WHERE SI.code = 'example01'
  • Update the query for the shifts_options to:

    SELECT AS '__text',
        S.uuid AS '__value'
    FROM shifts S
    LEFT JOIN shift_groups SG ON SG.uuid = S.shift_group_uuid
    LEFT JOIN work_center_has_shift_groups WCHSG ON WCHSG.work_center_uuid = ${work_center}

Filter on shift group

Create a variable to select the shift group:

  • Variable name: shifts_group

  • Query: (update example01 to your factory site code)

    SELECT AS '__text',
        SG.uuid AS '__value'
    FROM shift_groups SG
    LEFT JOIN sites SI ON SI.uuid = SG.site_uuid
    WHERE SI.code = 'example01'
  • Update the query for the shifts_options to:

    SELECT AS '__text',
        S.uuid AS '__value'
    FROM shifts S
    LEFT JOIN shift_groups SG ON SG.uuid = S.shift_group_uuid
    WHERE SG.uuid = ${shift_group}

Installing Shift Selector on Grafana Cloud:

For more information, visit the docs on plugin installation.

Installing on a local Grafana:

For local instances, plugins are installed and updated via a simple CLI command. Plugins are not updated automatically, however you will be notified when updates are available right within your Grafana.

1. Install the Panel

Use the grafana-cli tool to install Shift Selector from the commandline:

grafana-cli plugins install 

The plugin will be installed into your grafana plugins directory; the default is /var/lib/grafana/plugins. More information on the cli tool.

2. Add the Panel to a Dashboard

Installed panels are available immediately in the Dashboards section in your Grafana main menu, and can be added like any other core panel in Grafana.

To see a list of installed panels, click the Plugins item in the main menu. Both core panels and installed panels will appear.



  • Release workfile updated for updated Grafana signing flow
  • Fixes for issue #28
    • With Grafana version 10, the plug-in was failing to retrieve and set the shifts and options correctly due to changes in the fetch API
  • Fix for issue #26
    • The useEffect was triggered without checking if the warning wasn't already set.
  • Packages updated
  • Static data bug fix
  • Grafana version upgrade (11.0.0)


  • Fixes for issue #28
    • Passing the refresh param after shift change.

0.1.3 - 0.1.4

  • Fixes for issue #16
    • Custom interval for detached reload checks to preserve other dashboard panels
  • Grafana Review fixes
    • Fixed blocked panel updates to avoid memory leaks
    • Remaining deprecated


  • Fixes for issue #16
    • Fixed groupUUID field. Gets auto-selected if not provided.
    • Breaking refresh rate fixed. Added custom refresh rate input to force dashboard refresh at preferred rate.
  • Added progressbar to visualise the refresh rate
  • Deprecated location service replaced


  • Fixed review bugs
    • Grafana css classes removed
    • Multiple shift-selector-panels blocked in dashboard mode, to prevent infinite loops
  • Added extra options
    • Ability to hide date range buttons
  • UI bug fixes
    • Icon overlapping labels
    • Production date height shift


  • Realtime bugs fixed
  • Localisation for labels added
  • Refactored
  • Panel properties optimised


Realtime Shift feature and, extra panel options added to customize the panel. Like changing labels and display types.


Ability to add static shifts


Initial release.