Plugins 〉Bosun
The Bosun plugin has been deprecated and is no longer maintained.
Bosun app
The Bosun app currently provides a datasource for Bosun, and a panel to list open incidents. This plugin replaces the datasource plugin.
Bosun datasource
Bosun datasource plugin for Grafana 3.0 and later
This plugin turns Bosun into a datasource for Grafana 3.0 and later. This means you can use any Bosun expression to generate cool dashboards which are not possible with OpenTSDB alone.
The datasource provides 2 special variables that make easier to integrate the expressions in Grafana:
- $ds - the suggested downsampling interval for use in your queries
- $start - it's replaced by the starting time selected by the user in Grafana
Sample code to generate percent of free space for each partition:
$free = q("avg:$ds-avg:os.disk.fs.space_free{disk=*,host=backup}", "$start", "")
$total = q("avg:$ds-avg:os.disk.fs.space_total{disk=*,host=backup}", "$start", "")
$free / $total
Aliases can make use of variables in the format $tag_<tagname>
to use the timeseries' respective tag values on legend. On the above example we use $tag_disk
and $tag_host
It's also possible to use any other templated variable in your queries, the same way it's possible on other datasources
The following functions can be used in a query for template variables:
- tagvalues(, tagname):
tagvalues(os.load, host)
- tagkeys(
Grafana can display annotations created inside Bosun, which may add more context to strange metrics behaviour.
They can be filtered by any of the fields available in Bosun, and will be displayed like a standard annotation in Grafana.
Query helper
If you use Bosun to index data from OpenTSDB, it's possible to enable the Query Helper on data source configuration.
Doing that enables a helper tool that is able to generate queries using metadata from Bosun. This makes it a lot easier to write your expressions.
Incident List
The plugin includes a custom panel that enable Grafana users to interact with Bosun incidents.
You can query Bosun and display only incidents related to other information displayed on the dashboard, filtering by tags keys/value, incident status (Normal, Warning, Critical), alert name, among other fields. The user can then interact with incidents just like inside Bosun, taking actions and checking alert history.
The complete incident body can be shown without ever leaving the dashboard:
External Dependencies
Besides Grafana, the plugin just needs a running Bosun instance. Because Bosun doesn't have support for CORS headers, it may be easier to make it work in proxy mode. Bosun also needs a ElasticSearch backend in order for its annotations subsystem to work.