There are tools for infrastructure monitoring, others for code observability, and some for tracking the user experience. Because different teams have different preferences, tooling is usually not standardized across organizations.

So when you’re the developer on call who gets alerted about an issue that spans different teams or systems, it can mean a not-so-fun game of pinball — where you’re the ball  bouncing between tools, logs, and dashboards to troubleshoot the issue.

Join Grafana Labs Product Manager Jay Goodson and Sentry Software Engineer Nisanthan Nanthakumar as they show how the new Sentry data source for Grafana can help development teams visualize their software health with key business metrics in a single view.

During this webinar, you’ll:

  • Learn how to set up the Sentry data source.
  • Build your first dashboard in Grafana (and learn best practices along the way).
  • Get your top questions answered live throughout the session.

Nisanthan Nanthakumar

Senior Engineer, Sentry

Nisanthan is a Full-Stack Software Engineer based in San Francisco, working on Sentry’s ecosystem team. Nisanthan specializes in React and NodeJS. In Nisanthan’s free time he enjoys anime, traveling, and fishing.

Jay Goodson

Product Manager, Grafana Labs