Grafana ObservabilityCON on the Road 2024 kicks off with a keynote featuring Richard “RichiH” Hartmann, Director of Community in Office of the CTO, and Manoj Acharya, VP, Engineering. Learn about the latest developments in the open and composable LGTM (Loki-Grafana-Tempo-Mimir) observability stack, and see demos of the newest additions to Grafana Cloud: Application Observability and Asserts.

Richard "RichiH" Hartmann

Director, Community, Grafana Labs

Richard “RichiH” Hartmann is the Director of Community at Grafana Labs, Prometheus team member, OpenMetrics founder, OpenTelemetry member, CNCF Technical Advisory Group Observability chair, CNCF Technical Oversight Committee member, CNCF Governing Board member, and more. He also leads or organizes various conferences, including PromCon, FOSDEM, DENOG, DebConf, and Chaos Communication Congress. In the past, he made mainframe databases work, ISP backbones run, freenode work, and designed and built a datacenter from scratch. Go through his talks at or follow him on Twitter at for musings on the intersection of technology and society.

Manoj Acharya

VP, Engineering, Grafana Labs