The address of the gRPC server. Should be in the form: host:port with no protocol prefix e.g. The host must be a literal IP address, or a host name that can be resolved to IP addresses. The port must be a literal port number or a service name e.g. :443 or :https. If the host is a literal IPv6 address it must be enclosed in square brackets, as in [2001:db8::1]:80 or [fe80::1%zone]:80.
Object with key-value pairs representing custom metadata the user would like to add to the reflection request.
string / number
Connection timeout to use. Default timeout is "60s". The type can also be a number, in which case k6 interprets it as milliseconds, e.g., 60000 is equivalent to "60s".
Sets the maximum message size in bytes the client can receive. Defaults to grpc-go default, which is 4MB.
Sets the maximum message size in bytes the client can send. Defaults to grpc-go default, which is approximately 2GB.
import grpc from'k6/net/grpc';import{ check }from'k6';import{ SharedArray }from'k6/data';import exec from'k6/execution';// note: the services in this example don't exist. If you would like// to run this example, make sure to replace the URLs, and// the cacerts, cert, key, and password variables.const grpcArgs =newSharedArray('grpc',()=>{// Using SharedArray here so that not every VU gets a copy of every certificate a keyreturn[{host:'',plaintext:false,params:{tls:{cacerts:[open('cacerts0.pem')],cert:open('cert0.pem'),key:open('key0.pem'),},},},{host:'',params:{plaintext:false,tls:{cacerts:open('cacerts1.pem'),cert:open('cert1.pem'),key:open('key1.pem'),password:'cert1-passphrase',},},},];});const client =newgrpc.Client(null,'quickpizza.proto');exportdefault()=>{if(__ITER ===0){// Take one config and use it for this one VUconst grpcArg = grpcArgs[ % grpcArgs.length];
client.connect(, grpcArg.params);}const response = client.invoke('quickpizza.GRPC/Status');check(response,{'status is OK':(r)=> r && r.status === grpc.StatusOK,});