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The ReadableStream type represents a readable stream of data.

Constructing a ReadableStream

The constructor creates a new ReadableStream object.

It takes two optional arguments:

  • underlyingsource: defines the underlying source of data.
  • queuingStrategy: the queuing strategy to adopt.
import { ReadableStream } from 'k6/experimental/streams';

new ReadableStream(
    start(controller) {
      // Perform any setup tasks

    pull(controller) {
      // Fetch and queue data into the stream

    cancel(reason) {
      // Perform any cleanup tasks

    type: 'default',
    highWaterMark: 1,
    size(chunk) {
      return 1;

Constructor arguments

underlyingSource (optional)

The underlyingSource argument is an object that defines the source of data for the stream. It can be an object with the following properties:

  • start(controller): An optional function that is called when the stream is created. It can be used to perform any setup tasks. The content of this method is to be defined by the user. The controller parameter passed to this method is a ReadableStreamDefaultController object.
  • pull(controller): An optional function that is called repeatedly to fetch and queue data into the stream, until it reaches its high water mark. If pull() returns a promise, it won’t be called again until the promise is resolved. The controller parameter passed to this method is a ReadableStreamDefaultController object.
  • cancel(reason): An optional function, defined by the user, that is called when the stream is canceled. It can be used to release access to the stream source and perform any cleanup tasks. The reason parameter passed to this method is an optional human-readable value that represents the reason for canceling the stream.
  • type: An optional string that specifies the type of the underlying source. It can currently only receive the value 'default' which is its default value.

queuingStrategy argument (optional)

The queuingStrategy argument is an object that defines the queuing strategy to adopt for the stream. It can be an object with the following properties:

  • highWaterMark: An optional number that represents the maximum number of chunks that the stream can hold in its internal queue. The default value is 1.
  • size(chunk): An optional function that returns the size of the chunk passed as an argument. The default value is a function that returns 1.

Although you can define your own custom queueing strategy, the default behavior and recommended way to use the ReadableStream is to use a CountQueuingStrategy object.


cancel(reason)Closes the stream and signals a reason for the closure.
getReader()Returns a ReadableStreamDefaultReader object.


The simplest illustrative example of using a ReadableStream is to create a stream of numbers.

import { ReadableStream } from 'k6/experimental/streams';
import { setTimeout } from 'k6/timers';

function numbersStream() {
  let currentNumber = 0;

  return new ReadableStream({
    start(controller) {
      const fn = () => {
        if (currentNumber < 10) {
          setTimeout(fn, 1000);

      setTimeout(fn, 1000);

export default async function () {
  const stream = numbersStream();
  const reader = stream.getReader();

  while (true) {
    const { done, value } = await;
    if (done) break;
    console.log(`received number ${value} from stream`);

  console.log('we are done');

A much more useful illustration of defining a ReadableStream is to read lines from a file.

import { open } from 'k6/experimental/fs';
import { ReadableStream } from 'k6/experimental/streams';

// Open a csv file containing the data to be read
let file;
(async function () {
  file = await open('./data.csv');

export default async function () {
  let lineReaderState;

  // Define a ReadableStream that reads lines from the file
  // and parses them into objects with name and color properties.
  const fileLinesStream = new ReadableStream({
    // The start function is called when the readable stream is
    // created. In here, you can connect to the data source
    // and perform administrative tasks.
    async start(controller) {
      lineReaderState = {
        buffer: new Uint8Array(1024),
        remaining: '',

    // The pull function is called repeatedly to get data, while the
    // internal high water mark is not reached.
    async pull(controller) {
      const line = await getNextLine(file, lineReaderState);
      if (line === null) {

      const [name, color] = line.split(',');
      controller.enqueue({ name, color });

  // Obtain and lock a reader to the stream
  const reader = fileLinesStream.getReader();

  try {
    // Read and process each item from the stream
    while (true) {
      const { done, value } = await;
      if (done) {

  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Stream reading failed: ', error);

// getNextLine reads the next line from the file and returns it.
// It reads the file in chunks and buffers the remaining data
// to handle partial lines. It returns null when there are no
// more lines to read.
async function getNextLine(file, state) {
  while (true) {
    if (state.remaining.includes('\n')) {
      const lineEndIndex = state.remaining.indexOf('\n');
      const line = state.remaining.substring(0, lineEndIndex).trim();

      state.remaining = state.remaining.substring(lineEndIndex + 1);

      if (line) {
        return line;
    } else {
      const bytesRead = await;
      if (bytesRead === null) {
        // EOF

        if (state.remaining) {
          const finalLine = state.remaining.trim();

          // Clear remaining to signal the end
          state.remaining = '';

          // Return the last non-empty line
          return finalLine;

        // Indicate that there are no more lines to read
        return null;

      state.remaining += String.fromCharCode.apply(
        new Uint8Array(state.buffer.slice(0, bytesRead))