An array with all the request HTTP headers. Unlike request.allHeaders(), header names are not lower-cased. Headers with multiple entries, such as Set-Cookie
, appear in the array multiple times.
import { browser } from 'k6/browser';
export const options = {
scenarios: {
ui: {
executor: 'shared-iterations',
options: {
browser: {
type: 'chromium',
export default async function () {
const page = await browser.newPage();
try {
const res = await page.goto('https://test.k6.io/');
const req = res.request();
const headersArray = await req.headersArray();
console.log(`headersArray: ${JSON.stringify(headersArray)}`); // headersArray: [{"name":"Accept-Language","value"...}]
} finally {
await page.close();