Configure Cloud Insights
Grafana Cloud

Configure Cloud Insights

Cloud Insights intelligently selects audits relevant to each Grafana Cloud k6 test run. However, depending on your use case, you can customize this behavior by turning specific audits on or off.


This feature only works for tests executed in the cloud. It doesn’t work for local test executions with results streamed to the cloud.

Enable or disable specific audits

You can disable one or more audits from showing up when executing tests by using the cloud.insights property in the options object:

export const options = {
  cloud: {
    insights: {
      disabled: ['http-failure-rate', 'third-party-content'],

When you provide the disabled array, Grafana Cloud k6 skips executing the listed audits.

You can also provide a list of enabled audits, which excludes all other audits from the analysis:

export const options = {
  cloud: {
    insights: {
      enabled: ['http-spans-failure-rate'],

Refer to Cloud Insights reference for a list of audits and their values.

Enable or disable sets of audits

You can enable or disable multiple audits by their category or group using the enabledSets or disabledSets array in the insights object:

export const options = {
  cloud: {
    insights: {
      enabledSets: ['reliability'],

And using disabledSets:

export const options = {
  cloud: {
    insights: {
      disabledSets: ['best-practice', 'system'],

Refer to Cloud Insights reference for a list of audits and their categories or groups.