OTLP: OpenTelemetry Protocol format considerations
Grafana Cloud

OTLP: OpenTelemetry Protocol format considerations

OpenTelemetry doesn’t specify a data storage approach and leaves it to the observability backend to implement. Grafana Cloud converts metrics, logs, and traces sent to the Grafana Cloud OTLP endpoint to be compatible with Grafana databases.

The Grafana Cloud OTLP endpoint supports the OTLP/HTTP with binary protocol buffer encoding.


Grafana Cloud stores metrics in Mimir, a Prometheus compatible database, and maps OpenTelemetry metrics following the official specification for OTLP Metric points to Prometheus.

Exponential histograms

By default, Grafana Cloud doesn’t accept OpenTelemetry exponential histograms.

To accept exponential histograms in Grafana Cloud, follow the send Prometheus native histograms documentation to enable Prometheus native histogram metrics for your environment.

When enabled, Grafana cloud converts OpenTelemetry exponential histograms into Prometheus native histograms following the official specifications for exponential histograms.

Metric and label name conversion

Prometheus metric and label names need to adhere to the regular expression [a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9_:]* which contains alphanumeric, underscore, and colon characters. Grafana converts fullstops . and dashes - in OpenTelemetry metric or label names to underscores _ to store them in Prometheus.


If you sent the following OTLP data:

requests.duration{http.response.status_code=500, http.route="/api/orders"}

Grafana converts it for Prometheus storage:

requests_duration{http_response_status_code="500", http_route="/api/orders"}

Resource attributes added to target_info metric

Grafana Cloud follows the OpenTelemetry specification when it converts resource attributes to labels and into the target_info metric.

Grafana Cloud adds resource attributes as labels to the target_info metric, except for service.instance.id, service.name, and service.namespace resource attributes:

  • service.namespace/service.name added to the job label. If service.namespace is empty, only service.name is added to the job label.
  • service.instance.id added to the instance label


Contact support if you would like to keep service.instance.id, service.name, and service.namespace in the target_info metric in additon to converting them into job and instance labels.

To retrieve the resource attributes for a metric:

Use the on(job, instance) operator to join the metric with the target_info metric, for example use the following Prometheus query to get the service.version attribute for a requests_total metric:

requests_total * on(job, instance) group_left(service_version) target_info

Alternatively you can promote (copy) service.instance.id, service.name, service.namespace, or any other resource attribute to labels, for example as shown in A practical guide to data collection with OpenTelemetry and Prometheus.

Suffixes added to metric names

By default Prometheus adds suffixes to metric names to comply with the Prometheus metric types name conventions. Grafana Cloud follows the official specification for OTLP Metric points to Prometheus.

The suffix generation procedure is as follows:

  1. Split the OTel unit into two parts, before and after any / character.
  2. Add _<UNIT> to the suffix if the metric name doesn’t contain the first unit part.
  3. Add _per_<UNIT> to the suffix if there’s a second unit part and the metric name doesn’t contain it.
  4. Add _total to the suffix if the OTel metric type is monotonic sum.
  5. Add ratio to the suffix if the OTel metric type is gauge and the unit is 1.


Grafana Labs recommends you keep the default Prometheus metric name suffix generation enabled. If you need it disabled contact support.


Grafana Cloud converts the OpenTelemetry monotonic sum system.io with unit By into the Prometheus name system_io_bytes_total, and _bytes_total is the generated suffix.

Metrics ingestion limits

LimitValueWhen you exceed the limit
The maximum length of a metric name.2048 bytesNames that exceed the limit cause an ingestion exception.
The maximum number of resource attributes.40Grafana Cloud drops limits above resource attribute limit.
The maximum number of metric attributes.40Grafana Cloud drops limits above metric attribute limit.
The maximum length for resource attribute and metric attribute names.2048 bytesNames that exceed the limit cause an ingestion exception.
The maximum length for resource attribute and metric attribute values.2048 bytesValues that exceed the limit cause an ingestion exception.

When you send batch metrics, Prometheus ingests only the metrics that don’t exceed limits and returns exceptions for the metrics that exceed limits.


Grafana Cloud converts OpenTelemetry logs and stores them in the Loki V3 format to leverage structured metadata and labels.

The conversion process is as follows:

OpenTelemetry log record fieldLoki field
SeverityTextmetadata[severity_text], the detected_level label is available
BodyThe Loki log message. __line__in LogQL functions, for example line_format.
Attributesmetadata[xyz] Where xyz is the _ version of the OpenTelemetry attribute name, for example the OpenTelemetry attribute thread.name converted to thread_name Loki metadata.
ResourceLoki promotes these resource attributes to Loki labels and persists others as Loki message metadata: cloud.availability_zone, cloud.region, container.name, deployment.environment, k8s.cluster.name, k8s.container.name, k8s.cronjob.name, k8s.daemonset.name, k8s.deployment.name, k8s.job.name, k8s.namespace.name, k8s.pod.name, k8s.replicaset.name k8s.statefulset.name, service.instance.id, service.name, service.namespace.


To configure the resource attributes that Loki promotes as labels contact support.

Logs ingestion limits

LimitValueWhen you exceed the limit
The maximum length of a log line.256 Kilobytes (KB)Log lines that exceed the limit cause an ingestion exception.
The maximum number of resource attributes promoted to Loki labels.15Log messages that exceed the limit cause an ingestion exception.
The maximum number of resource attributes and logs attributes stored in Loki structured metadata.128 attributes and for an overall max of 64 KBLog messages that exceed the limit cause an ingestion exception.
The maximum length of a resource attribute value when promoted to Loki labels.2048 bytesValues that exceed the limit cause an ingestion exception.

When you send batch logs, Loki ingests only the logs that don’t exceed limits and returns exceptions for the logs that exceed limits.

Loki versions before V3

Before Loki V3 introduced structured metadata, Loki converted OpenTelemetry logs in Alloy otelcol.exporter.loki or in the OpenTelemetry Collector Loki Exporter and stored them as JSON in the message of log lines.

OpenTelemetry log record fieldLoki field
ObservedTimestampNot available.
TraceIdtraceid field of the Loki JSON log message.
SpanIdspanid field of the Loki JSON log message.
TraceFlagsNot available
SeverityTextSimultaneously mapped to the severity field of the JSON log message and the level and detected_level label fields of the Loki log record.
SeverityNumberNot available.
Bodybody field of the Loki JSON log message.
InstrumentationScopeinstrumentation_scope_name field of the JSON log message.
AttributesJSON fields of the Loki log message
ResourceLoki stores resource attributes as JSON fields of the Loki log message with the prefix resources_, for example resources_k8s_namespace_name, and promotes service.name, service.namespace, and service.instance.id to labels as follows job=[${service.namespace}/]${service.name} and instance=${service.instance.id}.
Loki adds a static label exporter=OTLP.

To promote more resource attributes and log attributes to Loki labels, use the hints loki.resource.labels and loki.attribute.labels as documented on OpenTelemetry Collector Loki Exporter and Alloy otelcol.exporter.loki.


Traces limits

LimitValueWhen you exceed the limit
The maximum volume of traces.5 megabytes (MB) per trace, ingest rate of 15 MB/s and bursts of 20 MB/s.Spans that exceed the limit cause an ingestion exception.
The maximum number of resource attributes.Limits are on the size of the traces.
The maximum number of span attributes.Limits are on the size of the traces.
The maximum length of resource attribute and span attribute names.1024 bytesGrafana Cloud truncates attribute names that exceed the limit.
The maximum length of resource attribute and span attribute values.2048 bytesGrafana Cloud truncates attribute names that exceed the limit.
The maximum size of spans in a batch.Limits are on the size of the traces and the volume of bytes per secondGrafana Cloud rejects spans that exceed the trace size limit and throws a partial exception.