Capture logs from the browser console
Grafana Cloud

Capture console logs

Logs are critical for troubleshooting errors because they provide context and detail into what’s happening in your application.

The console instrumentation replaces the browser’s console with a custom implementation that collects all logs, so whenever console.error (for example) is called, the message is sent as a log to the collector.

Console instrumentation helps you to:

  • Determine the context and the root cause of errors
  • Capture messages emitted by the application or the libraries it uses
  • Monitor your application and determine that it is working as expected

Because the console instrumentation can offer helpful context when you troubleshoot errors, it is recommended that you keep this instrumentation enabled. However, enabling log collection for all log levels captures a lot of data that is sent to Grafana Cloud which can increase cost and result in verbose data.

By default, the following log levels are disabled. Only enable them if required:

  • console.debug
  • console.trace
  • console.log

How to use the console instrumentation

The following console instrumentation is enabled by default. No additional configuration is required.

  url: '{app-key}',
  app: {
    name: 'my-app',


If you overwrite the instrumentations array when you initialize the Grafana Faro Web SDK, you must manually include the console instrumentation.

To manually include the console instrumentation, use the following getWebInstrumentations helper function.

  url: '{app-key}',
  app: {
    name: 'my-app',
  instrumentations: [
      // Optional, if you want to disable the console instrumentation
      captureConsole: false,

Use the Faro config to configure the Console instrumentation.

  url: '{app-key}',
  app: {
    name: 'my-app',

  consoleInstrumentation: {
    consoleErrorAsLog: true,

    // Optional, if you want to collect all levels
    captureConsoleDisabledLevels: [],

    // Optional, if you want to disable only some levels
    captureConsoleDisabledLevels: [LogLevel.DEBUG, LogLevel.TRACE],