Grafana Cloud Asserts prerequisites and troubleshooting
This topic describes the prerequisites you must meet to use Asserts. If you meet the prerequisites and Asserts isn’t working, refer to the troubleshooting section of this topic.
You can self-onboard with Asserts if you meet the following conditions:
- You have a Grafana Cloud Advanced account.
- You have enabled Grafana Cloud Application Observability or Grafana Cloud Kubernetes Monitoring.
For information about which metrics Asserts requires, refer to Required metrics and labels troubleshooting.
Infrastructure metrics
Asserts scans your metrics to identify infrastructure and USE metrics for the entities it discovers.
At the moment, Asserts can only collect infrastructure metrics from Kubernetes. To learn how to set up monitoring for your Kubernetes cluster, refer to Configure Kubernetes Monitoring.
If you’ve set up Kubernetes monitoring but aren’t seeing entities and information in Asserts, refer to Kubernetes Metrics for assistance with common issues.
Grafana Labs is working to expand support for other metric sources and custom metrics. If you’re interested in integrating your custom telemetry with Asserts, submit a support ticket.
RED metrics
Asserts attempts to match the RED metrics with the entities it detects through Kubernetes monitoring or Application Observability. By default, Asserts supports Grafana Cloud Application Observability and Istio.
To collect RED metrics, you need to instrument your applications with OpenTelemetry and send the data to Grafana Cloud.
If you can’t see your OpenTelemetry instrumented services in Asserts, refer to RED metrics for assistance with common issues.
Required metrics and labels
If Asserts isn’t discovering entities or if you’re experiencing empty panels in your dashboards, it may be because Grafana Cloud Adaptive Metrics is dropping or aggregating metrics or labels that Asserts needs. If Adaptive Metrics is affecting the required metrics, you need to remove them from Adaptive Metrics. To learn how to remove metrics from Adaptive Metrics, refer to Recommendation exemptions.
Application Observability metrics
The table below shows the metrics and labels necessary for Asserts to monitor your environment when using Application Observability. If the labels are present but issues persist, open a support ticket for further assistance.
For more information on how to send traces_host_info
, refer to Host-hours pricing.
Kubernetes metrics
The table below shows the metrics and labels necessary for Asserts to monitor your Kubernetes environment. If the labels are present but issues persist, open a support ticket for further assistance.
Container resource utilization observability
The following table lists metrics and labels required for Kubernetes container resource utilization observability.
RED metrics troubleshooting
For Asserts to associate the RED metrics with the Kubernetes entities it identifies, the entities must have labels that specify their source. For instance, span metrics require labels such as
, and
You can use the Kubernetes Attributes Process to assign these labels. Make sure you follow the Kubernetes monitoring recommendations.
If you still encounter problems, submit a support ticket for further assistance.