Follow this article to install the latest packaged release of the upstream OpenTelemetry distribution for Go and manually instrument your application running on Linux for Grafana Cloud Application Observability.
Alternatively, if you need a instrumentation solution supported by Grafana for Go, use Grafana Beyla.
Before you begin
The is the first step to get telemetry data into Application Observability, you need:
A Go development environment.
A Go application to instrument built using Go 1.22 or higher.
Install the SDK
Install OpenTelemetry SDK components and the net/http instrumentation:
go get ""\""\""\""\""\""\""\""
Instrument your application
First, initialize the OpenTelemetry SDK. This is required for any application that exports telemetry.
Create otel.go with OpenTelemetry SDK bootstrapping code:
package main
import("context""errors""""""""""""""""""log""time")// setupOTelSDK bootstraps the OpenTelemetry pipeline.// If it does not return an error, make sure to call shutdown for proper cleanup.funcsetupOTelSDK(ctx context.Context)(shutdown func(context.Context)error, err error){var shutdownFuncs []func(context.Context)error// shutdown calls cleanup functions registered via shutdownFuncs.// The errors from the calls are joined.// Each registered cleanup will be invoked once.
shutdown =func(ctx context.Context)error{var err errorfor_, fn :=range shutdownFuncs {
err = errors.Join(err,fn(ctx))}
shutdownFuncs =nilreturn err
}// handleErr calls shutdown for cleanup and makes sure that all errors are returned.
handleErr :=func(inErr error){
err = errors.Join(inErr,shutdown(ctx))}
prop := propagation.NewCompositeTextMapPropagator(
traceExporter, err := otlptrace.New(ctx, otlptracehttp.NewClient())if err !=nil{returnnil, err
tracerProvider := trace.NewTracerProvider(trace.WithBatcher(traceExporter))if err !=nil{handleErr(err)return}
shutdownFuncs =append(shutdownFuncs, tracerProvider.Shutdown)
metricExporter, err := otlpmetrichttp.New(ctx)if err !=nil{returnnil, err
meterProvider := metric.NewMeterProvider(metric.WithReader(metric.NewPeriodicReader(metricExporter)))if err !=nil{handleErr(err)return}
shutdownFuncs =append(shutdownFuncs, meterProvider.Shutdown)
err = runtime.Start(runtime.WithMinimumReadMemStatsInterval(time.Second))if err !=nil{
Modify main.go to include code that sets up OpenTelemetry SDK and instruments the HTTP server using the instrumentation library:
package main
import("context""errors""log""net""net/http""os""os/signal""time""")funcmain(){if err :=run(); err !=nil{
log.Fatalln(err)}}funcrun()(err error){// Handle SIGINT (CTRL+C) gracefully.
ctx, stop := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt)deferstop()// Set up OpenTelemetry.
otelShutdown, err :=setupOTelSDK(ctx)if err !=nil{return}// Handle shutdown properly so nothing leaks.deferfunc(){
err = errors.Join(err,otelShutdown(context.Background()))}()// Start HTTP server.
srv :=&http.Server{
BaseContext:func(_ net.Listener) context.Context {return ctx },
ReadTimeout: time.Second,
WriteTimeout:10* time.Second,
srvErr :=make(chanerror,1)gofunc(){
srvErr <- srv.ListenAndServe()}()// Wait for{case err =<-srvErr:// Error when starting HTTP server.returncase<-ctx.Done():// Wait for first CTRL+C.// Stop receiving signal notifications as soon as possible.stop()}// When Shutdown is called, ListenAndServe immediately returns ErrServerClosed.
err = srv.Shutdown(context.Background())return}funcnewHTTPHandler() http.Handler {
mux := http.NewServeMux()// handleFunc is a replacement for mux.HandleFunc// which enriches the handler's HTTP instrumentation with the pattern as the http.route.
handleFunc :=func(pattern string, handlerFunc func(http.ResponseWriter,*http.Request)){// Configure the "http.route" for the HTTP instrumentation.
handler := otelhttp.WithRouteTag(pattern, http.HandlerFunc(handlerFunc))
mux.Handle(pattern, handler)}// Register handlers.handleFunc("/rolldice", rolldice)// Add HTTP instrumentation for the whole server.
handler := otelhttp.NewHandler(mux,"/")return handler
Test your instrumentation
To test if you successfully instrumented your application and are producing telemetry data, run the application. The console output should print references to metrics and logs.
exportOTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_INSECURE=“true” # use http instead of https (needed because of
go run .