Understand your Grafana Cloud Profiles invoice
Grafana Cloud

Understand your Grafana Cloud Profiles invoice

Grafana Cloud calculates profiles usage on the total number of ingested bytes generated by your profiles per month.

Usage calculations

Profiles usage is billed at $0.50 per GB for usage in addition to the amount included in your plan. Profiling data is generated from an application that has been instrumented to measure and analyze the runtime behavior of a program.

View a usage summary

The Billing and Usage dashboard provides a usage summary for all Grafana Cloud services and billable data sources.

The Profiles section displays information about your current profiles usage.

View of the profiles usage summary in the Billing and Usage dashboard

The Profiles Ingestion Details section provides additional information about Profile Ingestion Rate, Total Ingested Profiles by day, and Discarded Profiles. Expand the panel row located beneath the Profile row to review more.

Find your invoice

You can view your invoice from your Cloud Portal.

To access your invoice:

  1. Sign in to Grafana Cloud.
  2. From the left navigation, select Billing > Invoices.
  3. Select an invoice to view.

The most recent invoice is listed first, and you can view and download it as a PDF or CSV file.