
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Enterprise RSS

Grafana Loki’s Architecture


All data, both in memory and in long-term storage, may be partitioned by a tenant ID, pulled from the X-Scope-OrgID HTTP header in the request when Grafana Loki is running in multi-tenant mode. When Loki is not in multi-tenant mode, the header is ignored and the tenant ID is set to “fake”, which will appear in the index and in stored chunks.

Chunk Format

  |                               |                                 |
  |        MagicNumber(4b)        |           version(1b)           |
  |                               |                                 |
  |         block-1 bytes         |          checksum (4b)          |
  |         block-2 bytes         |          checksum (4b)          |
  |         block-n bytes         |          checksum (4b)          |
  |                        #blocks (uvarint)                        |
  | #entries(uvarint) | mint, maxt (varint) | offset, len (uvarint) |
  | #entries(uvarint) | mint, maxt (varint) | offset, len (uvarint) |
  | #entries(uvarint) | mint, maxt (varint) | offset, len (uvarint) |
  | #entries(uvarint) | mint, maxt (varint) | offset, len (uvarint) |
  |                      checksum(from #blocks)                     |
  |                    #blocks section byte offset                  |

mint and maxt describe the minimum and maximum Unix nanosecond timestamp, respectively.

Block Format

A block is comprised of a series of entries, each of which is an individual log line.

Note that the bytes of a block are stored compressed using Gzip. The following is their form when uncompressed:

  |    ts (varint)    |     len (uvarint)    |     log-1 bytes      |
  |    ts (varint)    |     len (uvarint)    |     log-2 bytes      |
  |    ts (varint)    |     len (uvarint)    |     log-3 bytes      |
  |    ts (varint)    |     len (uvarint)    |     log-n bytes      |

ts is the Unix nanosecond timestamp of the logs, while len is the length in bytes of the log entry.


Single Store

Loki stores all data in a single object storage backend. This mode of operation became generally available with Loki 2.0 and is fast, cost-effective, and simple, not to mention where all current and future development lies. This mode uses an adapter called boltdb_shipper to store the index in object storage (the same way we store chunks).

Deprecated: Multi-store

The chunk store is Loki’s long-term data store, designed to support interactive querying and sustained writing without the need for background maintenance tasks. It consists of:

Unlike the other core components of Loki, the chunk store is not a separate service, job, or process, but rather a library embedded in the two services that need to access Loki data: the ingester and querier.

The chunk store relies on a unified interface to the “NoSQL” stores (DynamoDB, Bigtable, and Cassandra) that can be used to back the chunk store index. This interface assumes that the index is a collection of entries keyed by:

  • A hash key. This is required for all reads and writes.
  • A range key. This is required for writes and can be omitted for reads, which can be queried by prefix or range.

The interface works somewhat differently across the supported databases:

  • DynamoDB supports range and hash keys natively. Index entries are thus modelled directly as DynamoDB entries, with the hash key as the distribution key and the range as the DynamoDB range key.
  • For Bigtable and Cassandra, index entries are modelled as individual column values. The hash key becomes the row key and the range key becomes the column key.

A set of schemas are used to map the matchers and label sets used on reads and writes to the chunk store into appropriate operations on the index. Schemas have been added as Loki has evolved, mainly in an attempt to better load balance writes and improve query performance.

Read Path

To summarize, the read path works as follows:

  1. The querier receives an HTTP/1 request for data.
  2. The querier passes the query to all ingesters for in-memory data.
  3. The ingesters receive the read request and return data matching the query, if any.
  4. The querier lazily loads data from the backing store and runs the query against it if no ingesters returned data.
  5. The querier iterates over all received data and deduplicates, returning a final set of data over the HTTP/1 connection.

Write Path


To summarize, the write path works as follows:

  1. The distributor receives an HTTP/1 request to store data for streams.
  2. Each stream is hashed using the hash ring.
  3. The distributor sends each stream to the appropriate ingesters and their replicas (based on the configured replication factor).
  4. Each ingester will create a chunk or append to an existing chunk for the stream’s data. A chunk is unique per tenant and per labelset.
  5. The distributor responds with a success code over the HTTP/1 connection.