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The Switch component is used to toggle between two states, typically representing an on/off or enabled/disabled state.

When to Use

Use the Switch component when you need to provide users with the ability to toggle between two states, such as enabling or disabling a feature, setting preferences, or making binary choices.

Switches trigger changes immediately. If your component should trigger a change only after sending a form, it's better to use either RadioButtonGroup or Checkbox instead.

Furthermore, switches cannot be grouped – each Switch triggers an independent state update. If you want multiple mutually exclusive choices, the RadioButtonGroup is the better option. To offer multiple choices within the same group or context which are not mutually exclusive, use Checkbox instead.

Implementation / Options


The Switch component accepts the following props:

  • value (boolean, optional): Sets the initial value of the switch. When true, the switch is in the "on" state; when false, it is in the "off" state.
  • transparent (boolean, optional): Makes the switch's background and border transparent for inline use.
  • invalid (boolean, optional): Shows an invalid state around the input, typically for indicating errors.

Example Usage


Live Editor
<Switch invalid={false} label="Toggle feature" disabled={false} />


Live Editor
<InlineSwitch />
