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Published Dashboards

CPU Utilization Details (Cores) Logo
CPU Utilization Details (Cores) by perconalab
This is experimental dashboard for Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) which provides CPU utilization details for multi-core systems. It allows to easily see if overall CPU usage is high or if there are overloaded cores.
uploaded on December 25, 2017
Downloads: 10356
Reviews: 3
HAProxy Instance Summary (Designed for PMM) Logo
HAProxy Instance Summary (Designed for PMM) by perconalab
This dashboard displays the detailed HAProxy information of sections and backend servers.
uploaded on August 20, 2020
Downloads: 364
Reviews: 0
Memory Overview (Designed for PMM) Logo
Memory Overview (Designed for PMM) by perconalab
The dashboard that displays metrics related to memory usage on Linux systems. Designed for
uploaded on January 18, 2019
Downloads: 1779
Reviews: 0
MySQL InnoDB Cached Indexes (Designed for PMM) Logo
MySQL InnoDB Cached Indexes (Designed for PMM) by perconalab
The MySQL InnoDB Cached Indexes dashboard displays the top 20 indexes that are memory resident and the sizes of each index. The pie chart displays the same information in a different view but combines all indexes that take up 3% or less of the total size of all memory-resident indexes, in a pie slice labeled Others. The naming convention is schema_name.table_name.index_name. You are able to display any combination of tables and indexes as you see fit. The 5 statistics displayed at the bottom are the total size of cached indexes on your MySQL instance, the size of the InnoDB buffer pool, the ratio of cached indexes to the size of the InnoDB buffer pool, the size of the selected schema’s cached indexes, and the size of the selected table’s cached indexes.
uploaded on September 4, 2019
Downloads: 265
Reviews: 0
MySQL Memory Usage  Details (Designed for PMM2) Logo
MySQL Memory Usage Details (Designed for PMM2) by perconalab
Visualize MySQL Memory utilization details as captured by MySQL Performance Schema
uploaded on October 24, 2020
Downloads: 762
Reviews: 0
View all 18 dashboards by perconalab