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Published Dashboards

JVM Overview - Prometheus Logo
JVM Overview - Prometheus by nalbam
Dashboard for JVM metrics with Prometheus / JMX Exporter
uploaded on January 8, 2020
Downloads: 1636
Reviews: 0
Kubernetes Cluster - Prometheus Logo
Kubernetes Cluster - Prometheus by nalbam
Dashboard for Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus.
uploaded on February 15, 2019
Downloads: 5502
Reviews: 0
Kubernetes DaemonSet - Prometheus Logo
Kubernetes DaemonSet - Prometheus by nalbam
Dashboard for Kubernetes DaemonSet with Prometheus.
uploaded on September 9, 2021
Downloads: 134
Reviews: 0
Kubernetes Deployment - Prometheus Logo
Kubernetes Deployment - Prometheus by nalbam
Dashboard for Kubernetes Deployment with Prometheus.
uploaded on January 16, 2019
Downloads: 26968
Reviews: 0
NGINX Ingress controller Logo
NGINX Ingress controller by nalbam
uploaded on March 13, 2019
Downloads: 665
Reviews: 0
View all 5 dashboards by nalbam