
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Enterprise Open source

Tracing in Explore

Explore allows you to visualize traces from tracing data sources. This is available in Grafana v7.0+.

Supported data sources are:

For information on how to configure queries for the data sources listed above, refer to the documentation for specific data source.

Screenshot of the trace view
Screenshot of the trace view
Screenshot of the trace view header
Screenshot of the trace view header
  • Header title: Shows the name of the root span and trace ID.
  • Search: Highlights spans containing the searched text.
  • Metadata: Various metadata about the trace.
Screenshot of the trace view minimap
Screenshot of the trace view minimap

Shows condensed view or the trace timeline. Drag your mouse over the minimap to zoom into smaller time range. Zooming will also update the main timeline, so it is easy to see shorter spans. Hovering over the minimap, when zoomed, will show Reset Selection button which resets the zoom.

Screenshot of the trace view timeline
Screenshot of the trace view timeline

Shows list of spans within the trace. Each span row consists of these components:

  • Expand children button: Expands or collapses all the children spans of selected span.
  • Service name: Name of the service logged the span.
  • Operation name: Name of the operation that this span represents.
  • Span duration bar: Visual representation of the operation duration within the trace.

Clicking anywhere on the span row shows span details.

Span details
Screenshot of the trace view span details
Screenshot of the trace view span details
  • Operation name
  • Span metadata
  • Tags: Any tags associated with this span.
  • Process metadata: Metadata about the process that logged this span.
  • Logs: List of logs logged by this span and associated key values. In case of Zipkin logs section shows Zipkin annotations.
Trace to logs

Note: Available in Grafana 7.4 and later versions.

You can navigate from a span in a trace view directly to logs relevant for that span. This is available for Tempo, Jaeger and Zipkin data source at this moment. their relevant documentation for instruction how to configure this feature.

Screenshot of the trace view in Explore with icon next to the spans
Screenshot of the trace view in Explore with icon next to the spans

Click the document icon to open a split view in Explore with the configured data source and query relevant logs for the span.