Table Page
A page with a table is a common pattern in Grafana. This template shows how to use the Table
component to display data in a table, combined with the filtering and sorting functionality.
Source code
import React from 'react';import { Stack, FilterInput, InteractiveTable, LinkButton, RadioButtonGroup } from '@grafana/ui';import useColumns from '@site/src/components/templates/TablePage/useColumns';import { Filter, User } from '@site/src/components/templates/TablePage/types';interface TablePageProps { query: string; filter: Filter; data: User[]; changeQuery: (query: string) => void; changeFilter: (value: string) => void;}export const TablePage = ({ changeQuery, query, changeFilter, filter, data }: TablePageProps) => { const columns = useColumns(); return ( <Stack grow={1} direction={'column'} gap={2}> <Stack gap={2}> <FilterInput placeholder="Search by login, email, or name" autoFocus={true} value={query} onChange={changeQuery} /> <RadioButtonGroup options={[ { label: 'All users', value: 'all' }, { label: 'Active last 30 days', value: 'lastActive' }, ]} onChange={(value) => changeFilter(value)} value={filter} /> <LinkButton href="#" variant="primary"> New user </LinkButton> </Stack> <InteractiveTable columns={columns} data={data} pageSize={10} getRowId={(user: User) => String(} /> </Stack> );};export default TablePage;
- The page actions should be located at the top of the page, above the table.
- If filters are present, the primary action should be located after the filters, on the right side of the page.