Grafana Cloud

Alerts in Fleet Management

The Grafana Fleet Management service fetches active alerts from your stack’s Prometheus instance. Alerts must exist in your stack’s Prometheus Alertmanager to be discoverable by Fleet Management.

You can view a collector’s active alerts in the Fleet Management interface:

  1. In your Grafana Cloud stack, click Connections > Collector > Fleet Management.
  2. Search, filter, or sort to find the alerting collector in your Inventory.
  3. Click on the collector to open the details view drawer and switch to the Alerts tab.


If you don’t see active alerts in a collector’s details view, refer to Alerts don’t appear in app for guidance.

Create new alerts

You can create alerts for collector health issues in Prometheus Alertmanager. Refer to the Alertmanager documentation for tips on using Mimirtool to configure Alertmanager.

When setting up alerts, make sure the following labels are set so that the alerts are properly linked in Fleet Management:

  • collector_id: The value of this label must match the id argument in the collector’s remotecfg block.
  • severity: The Fleet Management service uses the value of this label to assign a yellow or red health status indicator.
  • source="fleet-management": The value of the source label must be set to "fleet-management".