Start with Grafana Cloud for free, then pay as you grow

Enterprise scale? Contact us (Hint: nice people & volume discounts)

Free Forever

No payment. Ever.
  • Grafana cloud icon All Grafana Cloud features
  • Usage icon Usage capped to Free tier limits
  • Community support icon Community support only

Monthly limits:
  • Metrics 10k metrics billable series, 14 days retention
  • Visualization 3 active users with Enterprise plugins
  • Logs, Traces, Profiles 50 GB each, 14 days retention
  • IRM 3 active users
  • Application Observability 2,232 host hours
  • Kubernetes Monitoring 2.2k host / 37k container hours
  • Frontend Observability 50k sessions
  • Synthetics 100k test executions
  • k6 Performance testing 500 virtual user hours, 14 days retention
Get started
Create free account
No credit card required.

Pro Pay As You Go

Starts at
$19 /month
Scale beyond the free tier & unlock more retention + support. Pay as you go monthly for any usage exceeding the free tier
  • Grafana cloud icon All Grafana Cloud features, Enterprise plugins optional
  • Usage icon Includes 10k metrics, 50 GB logs, 50 GB traces, 50 GB profiles, 50k frontend sessions, 2.2k host / 37k container hours for kubernetes monitoring, 2,232 app o11y host hours, 100k synthetics test executions, 500 k6 VUh, and 3 Grafana & IRM users per month
  • Community support icon 8x5 support

Usage-based pricing
  • Metrics $8 per 1k series, 13 months retention
  • Visualization $8 per active user or $55 per active user with Enterprise plugins
  • Logs, Traces, Profiles $0.50 per GB ingested, 30 days retention
  • IRM $20 per active user
  • Application Observability $0.04 per host hour, pay for actual usage, no peak billing
  • Kubernetes Monitoring $0.015 per host hour, $0.001 per container hour
  • Frontend Observability $0.90 per 1k sessions
  • Synthetics $5 per 10k test executions
  • k6 Performance testing $0.15 per VUh, 30 days retention

Advanced Premium Bundle

Starts at
$299 /month
2x included usage, Enterprise plugins, and 24x7 support
  • Grafana cloud icon All Grafana Cloud features, Enterprise plugins included
  • Usage icon Includes 20k metrics, 100 GB logs, 100 GB traces, 100 GB profiles, 1k k6 VUh, 100k frontend sessions, 3,720 application observability host hours, 2.2k host / 37k container hours for kubernetes monitoring, 200k synthetics test executions, and 5 Grafana and IRM users per month
  • Community support icon 24x7 support

Usage-based pricing
  • Metrics $8 per 1k series, 13 months retention
  • Visualization $55 per active user with Enterprise plugins
  • Logs, Traces, Profiles $0.50 per GB ingested, 30 days retention
  • IRM $20 per active user
  • Application Observability $0.04 per host hour, pay for actual usage, no peak billing
  • Kubernetes Monitoring $0.015 per host hour, $0.001 per container hour
  • Frontend Observability $0.90 per 1k sessions
  • Synthetics $5 per 10k test executions
  • k6 Performance testing $0.15 per VUh, 180 days retention
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Grafana LGTMスタックの始め方
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Grafana LGTMスタックの始め方
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Grafana オープンなオブザーバビリティ・プラットフォーム
Grafana: オープンなオブザーバビリティ・プラットフォーム
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Azure Data ExplorerとGrafana Cloudを使用してFormula 1リアルタイム分析スタックを構築する方法
Formula 1において、スピードとはトラックをどれだけ速く走れるかだけではありません。レースの前、最中、そして後に重要な改善を行うために、リアルタイムでデータを手に入れることも重要です。 …
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ParadigmがGrafana Cloudに移行した理由:彼らのオブザーバビリティスタックの裏側
暗号通貨における最大の流動性ネットワークとして、Paradigm は毎月110億ドル以上の取引量を促進し、世界の暗号通貨オプション取引の約40%を占めています。同社の無料プラットフォームは、複数の資産 …
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Ultimate社がGrafana IRMを活用して、ワークフロー、利用率などを改善した方法
AI駆動のカスタマーサポート自動化プラットフォームを運営するUltimate社が、なぜIRMのためにGrafana Cloudに移行したのか、そしてその取り組みがどのようにしてGrafana OnCallへの関心から始まったのかについて学びましょう。
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Grafana Cloudでのログ管理:4人のオブザーバビリティ専門家がOSSからGrafana Cloud Logsへの移行について語る
OSSと完全管理型ソリューションのどちらでログ管理を行うか迷っていますか?ここでは、オブザーバビリティの専門家が最終的にGrafana Cloudを選んだ理由を紹介します。
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TeleTrackingがGrafana Cloudを使ってより優れたオブザーバビリティプラットフォームを構築するための旅の全貌
TeleTrackingがどのようにPrometheusとGrafana Cloudを組み合わせて、ユーザーにより大きなサービスの可視性を提供し、オーバーヘッドを削減し、常に進化する開発者体験の重要なフィードバックメカニズムとして機能させたかをご覧ください。
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企業がメトリクス管理のためにOSSからGrafana Cloudへ移行する理由
コスト最適化から信頼性の向上まで、企業がメトリクスデータの管理と監視のためにGrafana Cloudへ移行する主な理由を以下に示します。
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Grafana Labs、日本でのオープンソースオブザーバビリティコミュニティを拡大
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ObservabilityCON on the Roadが東京にやってくる!
ObservabilityCON on the Roadが初めて日本にやってきます!2025年2月25日、東京ポートシティ竹芝のポートホールで開催される一日限りのイベントにぜひご参加ください。
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Grafana loki
Grafana Loki
Grafana Lokiは、フル機能のログスタックを構成することができるオープンソースのコンポーネント群です。
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Node Exporter Full
Prometheusのノードエクスポーターでエクスポートされたほぼすべてのデフォルト値がグラフ化されます。 必要なのはデフォルトのjob_name: nodeのみで、必要なだけター …
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Grafanaのコストを知りたいですか?Grafana、Prometheus / Mimir(メトリクス)、Loki(ログ)、Tempo(トレース)などの価格について知ることができます。
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Grafana Cloud
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Grafana Alerting
Grafana Alertingは、問題を迅速に特定し解決するための強力で実用的なアラートを提供します。
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Grafana Cloud Application Observability
OpenTelemetryとPrometheusのネイティブサポートを持つGrafana Cloudアプリケーションオブザーバビリティは、アプリケーションのモニタリングとMTTR(平均修復時間)の最小化を目指す、すぐに使えるソリューションを提供し、ベンダーロックインを避けます。
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Grafana CloudのFrontend Observabilityを始める
Grafana Cloud Frontend Observabilityは、リアルユーザーモニタリング(RUM)を通じて、Webアプリケーションのエンドユーザー体験について、即時かつ明確で実用的なインサイトを提供します。
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Grafana Cloud Logs
Grafana Cloud Logsは、ログボリューム、コスト、またはストレージの制限を心配することなく、すべてのアプリケーションとインフラストラクチャからのログを保存し、照会することを可能にする完全に管理されたログアグリゲーションシステムです。
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Grafana Incident
Grafana Incidentは、メンバーがインシデントのタイムラインにメモ、URL、さらにはGrafanaのグラフを追加できるようにすることで、コラボレーションを改善し、事後分析を同時に充実させることができます。この機能により、チームはインシデントのコンテキストをより深く理解し、解決策をより迅速に共有することが可能になります。
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Grafana Cloud IRM
GrafanaのIncident Response & Managementツールは、最小限の労力でインシデントを検出し、対応し、そこから学ぶことを容易にします。
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Grafana Cloud k6
Grafana Cloud k6を使用すると、最大100万人の同時仮想ユーザーまたは秒間500万リクエストのクラウドベースのパフォーマンステストを簡単に実行できます。
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Grafana Cloud Logs
Grafana Cloud Logsは、ログボリューム、コスト、またはストレージの制限を心配することなく、すべてのアプリケーションとインフラストラクチャからのログを保存し、照会することを可能にする完全に管理されたログアグリゲーションシステムです。
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Grafana Cloud Metrics
オープンソースプロジェクトGrafana Mimirとクラウドオブザーバビリティ・プラットフォームGrafana Cloudで、すべてのメトリクスデータの監視をあらゆる規模で実現します。
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Adaptive Metrics
Prometheus メトリクスを使用する場合のみ支払いが発生します。保存される時系列データを最大50%削減できます。セットアップやダッシュボードを変更する必要はありません。Grafana Cloud Adaptive Metricsへようこそ。
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Grafana OnCall
Grafana OnCallは、開発者向けに特別に設計されたシンプルなワークフローとインターフェースを通じて、オンコール管理の手間を軽減する使いやすいオンコール管理ツールです。
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Grafana Cloud Profiles
Grafana Cloud Profilesを使用して、スタックに簡単に継続的プロファイリングを追加しましょう。これはホスティングされたツールで、アプリケーションのパフォーマンスに関するリソース使用と遅延の洞察を提供します。
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Grafana SLO
Grafana Cloud内でサービスレベル目標(SLO)、SLOダッシュボード、およびエラーバジェットアラートを作成、管理、スケールすることができます。
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Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoring
Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoringは、ユーザーの行動をシミュレートし、サーバー側のコードインストルメンテーションなしで、プロダクションにおける重要なワークフローを定期的にチェックします。
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Grafana Cloud Traces
Grafana Cloudの分散トレーシングシステムは、システム全体の健全性を理解し、問題を素早く追跡することを可能にします。OpenTelemetry、Jaeger、Zipkinトレースフォーマットと完全な互換性があります。
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Grafana CloudでMTTRを削減:ASOSのオブザーバビリティスタックの裏側
オンライン小売業者のASOSが、リアルタイムのオブザーバビリティを実現するためにGrafana CloudとGrafana SLOに依存し、シームレスな顧客体験を確保している方法を読んでください。
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ExabeamがGrafana Cloudで2,000万のアクティブタイムシリーズのインサイトと管理を得た方法
レガシーのプロプライエタリソリューションからGrafana Cloudに移行することで、Exabeamのオブザーバビリティプラットフォームがどのようにスケールし、コストを削減し、開発者の体験を改善したかを学びましょう。
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Grafana Cloud Logs:Lithicのより良いオブザーバビリティへのゲートウェイ
Lithicがゼロダウンタイムを追求する中で、なぜ彼らが現代のオブザーバビリティスタックを支えるためにGrafana Cloud Logsを選んだのかをご覧ください。
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数分でメトリクスのボリュームを削減:SailPointがGrafana Cloudでカーディナリティとコストを管理する方法
SailPointがGrafana CloudとAdaptive Metricsを使用することで、メトリクスのボリュームを33%削減し、コントロール、効率、コスト削減を数分で実現しました。


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Fully managed, highly scalable metrics service in Grafana Cloud with built-in features to optimize cost.

Feature highlights
Cost icon
Metrics cost optimization
Only pay for data that you find useful. Use Adaptive Metrics to eliminate unused time series data through aggregation and cardinality optimization, and leverage preconfigured integrations to only collect the data that is useful. Typical optimization ranges from 20 - 50%.
Scale icon
Performance at scale
Sharded query engine for 10x improvement in query speed; scalable compactor for unlimited cardinality, tested up to 1 billion active series.
Formats icon
Flexible data formats
Support for various metric formats like Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, Datadog, InfluxDB, Graphite, etc. with zero re-instrumentation of agents or application code.
Lightning icon
Ease of use
100+ out-of-the-box Prometheus exporter integrations with preconfigured dashboards and alerts.
Full feature list:

Pricing starts at:
$8 per 1k metrics billable series
Enterprise scale?
Contact us for volume discounts and expert support

Cloud Free

No payment. Ever.
  • Usage icon Usage limited to 10k metrics billable series per month. No credit card required. Free forever.
  • Retention icon Retention 14 days

Cloud Pro

Pay As You Go
  • Usage icon Included usage 10k metrics billable series per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Retention icon Retention 13 months

Cloud Advanced

Premium Bundle
  • Usage icon Included usage 20k metrics billable series per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Retention icon Retention 13 months

What is metrics billable series?

Metrics billable series is calculated based on two components: active series and data points per minute (DPM). By understanding these components, you’ll be able to better manage usage and reduce costs for your organization. See pricing docs –>

Do you provide discounts for higher usage volumes?

Yes, we provide volume discounts for enterprise-scale usage. Contact us for more details.


Fully managed log aggregation system powered by Grafana Loki that allows you to store and query logs from all your applications and infrastructure.

Feature highlights
Cost icon
Logs cost optimization
Use logs volume explorer, logs filtering, and logs to metrics to optimize cost. Understand which log streams are generating the most volume to better attribute logs ingest across an organization and identify areas where logs ingest can be optimized via logs filtering and logs to metrics.
Scale icon
Performance at scale
Run faster queries at scale with massive parallelization and query splitting techniques. Native support for out-of-order ingestion and bursts of logs, so no more lost logs.
Formats icon
Flexible data formats
Leverage Promtail, Fluentbit, Fluentd, Vector, Logstash, the OpenTelemetry Collector, and the Grafana Agent, as well as a host of unofficial clients for shipping logs.
Lightning icon
Logs Export
For long-term retention needs, export logs to your own storage bucket (e.g., s3) in a format that is still queryable without needing to ingest logs back into Grafana.
Full feature list:

Pricing starts at:
$0.50 per GB logs ingested per month

30 days retention included

Fair use policy for querying applies

Enterprise scale?
Contact us for volume discounts and expert support

Cloud Free

No payment. Ever.
  • Usage icon Usage limited to 50 GB logs ingested per month. No credit card required. Free forever.
  • Retention icon Retention 14 days

Cloud Pro

Pay As You Go
  • Usage icon Included usage 50 GB logs ingested per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Retention icon Retention

    30 days

    Custom retention available

Cloud Advanced

Premium Bundle
  • Usage icon Included usage 100 GB logs ingested per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Retention icon Retention

    30 days

    Custom retention available


Do you offer retention greater than 30 days?

Yes, we have additional retention options available. Contact us for more details. Default retention is 30 days, and you can also use logs export to retain logs in your own storage bucket.

Do you provide discounts for higher usage volumes?

Yes, we provide volume discounts for enterprise-scale usage. Contact us for more details.


Fully managed, easy-to-use, highly scalable, and cost-effective distributed tracing backend.

Feature highlights
Cost icon
Traces cost optimization
Cloud Traces leverages object storage and a columnar trace storage format based on Apache Parquet, making it extremely cost-effective.
Scale icon
Performance at scale
Using a massively parallel query engine, Cloud Traces can scan terabytes of traces per second, meaning searches complete in record time.
Flexibility icon
Flexibility and ease of use
Compatible with Prometheus and OpenTelemetry ecosystem using the native pipelining capabilities in the Grafana Agent. Accept all trace formats (Jaeger, Zipkin, etc.) with minimal changes to application instrumentation.
Lightning icon
Trace to metrics
Generate metrics from your trace data so you can monitor high-level RED signals on application performance and see a map of your services.
Full feature list:

Pricing starts at:
$0.50 per GB traces ingested per month
30 days retention included
Enterprise scale?
Contact us for volume discounts and expert support

Cloud Free

No payment. Ever.
  • Usage icon Usage limited to 50 GB traces ingested per month. No credit card required. Free forever.
  • Retention icon Retention 14 days

Cloud Pro

Pay As You Go
  • Usage icon Included usage 50 GB traces ingested per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Retention icon Retention 30 days

Cloud Advanced

Premium Bundle
  • Usage icon Included usage 100 GB traces ingested per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Retention icon Retention 30 days

Do you offer retention greater than 30 days?

Yes, we have additional retention options available. Contact us for more details.

Do you provide discounts for higher usage volumes?

Yes, we provide volume discounts for enterprise-scale usage. Contact us for more details.

Grafana visualization

Query, visualize, alert on, and understand your data no matter where it’s stored.
Query, visualize, alert on hundreds of data sources.
Feature highlights

Ease of use and flexibility: Visualize data from a Kubernetes cluster, Raspberry Pi, different cloud services, or even Google Sheets in a single dashboard to gain full stack visibility, track real-time SLI/SLO metrics, and more.

Security and governance: Create and manage user permissions, instances, access policies, and tokens via UI and/or API. Leverage SSO, RBAC, SAML, audit logs, reporting, etc. at scale.

Generative AI for panels: Automatically generate titles and descriptions and change summaries for your Grafana dashboards to streamline your workflow.

Private Data Source Connect: Leverage the Private Data Source Connect feature to query any network-secured data source, regardless of whether it is hosted on an AWS/GCP/Azure VPC, an on-prem network, or even your local computer.

Pricing starts at:
$8 per active user / month
Grafana with Enterprise plugins
Query, visualize, alert on hundreds of data sources including Enterprise plugins.
Feature highlights
Everything in Grafana + Enterprise plugins
GitLab icon
InfluxDB icon
Jira icon
Zipkin icon
Docker icon
Google Cloud icon
Elastic icon
NodeJS icon
AWS icon
MSSql icon
Databricks icon
Circle plus icon
Pricing starts at:
$55 per active user / month

Cloud Free

No payment. Ever.
  • Usage icon Usage limited to 3 monthly active users. No credit card required. Free forever.
  • Support icon Support Community support only

Cloud Pro

Pay As You Go
  • Usage icon Included usage 3 monthly active users, then pay for what you use. Paid add-on: Enterprise plugins. No usage limits.
  • Support icon Support 8x5 support

Cloud Advanced

Premium Bundle
  • Usage icon Included usage 5 monthly active users, then pay for what you use. Enterprise plugins included. No usage limits.
  • Support icon Support 24x7 support

What is a Grafana active user?

Any user that logs into Grafana during the billing month is considered an active user.

Does the Cloud Pro Pay As You Go plan include Enterprise plugins?

Enterprise plugins are a paid add-on for the Cloud Pro Pay As You Go Plan that is priced at $55 per active user per month. By default, your account will have Grafana without Enterprise plugins, which is priced at $8 per active user per month.

Do you provide discounts for higher usage volumes?

Yes, we provide volume discounts for enterprise-scale usage. Contact us for more details.


Fully managed continuous profiling tool that gives you a cost-efficient way to better understand the resource usage of code.

Feature highlights
Cost icon
Profiles cost optimization
Spot CPU spikes, memory leaks, and other inefficiencies with code-level visibility into resource usage. Teams can then optimize their code and lower infrastructure costs.
Scale icon
Performance at scale
For a typical “busy” server, profiling operates with about 3% overhead - within spare capacity in most cases - allowing you to optimize and minimize costs for the remaining 97%.
Ease of use icon
Ease of use
A flamegraph view of profiles helps drastically reduce the time (weeks to hours) to identify and fix performance issues. Label explorer view shows which labels are consuming the most resources.
Lightning icon
Profiles + traces
Leverage profiling with tracing to deep dive into service latency and identify which lines of code are impacting performance.
Full feature list:

Pricing starts at:
$0.50 per GB profiles ingested per month
30 days retention included
Enterprise scale?
Contact us for volume discounts and expert support

Cloud Free

No payment. Ever.
  • Usage icon Usage limited to 50 GB profiles ingested per month. No credit card required. Free forever.
  • Retention icon Retention 14 days

Cloud Pro

Pay As You Go
  • Usage icon Included usage 50 GB profiles ingested per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Retention icon 30 days Custom retention available

Cloud Advanced

Premium Bundle
  • Usage icon Included usage 100 GB profiles ingested per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Retention icon 30 days Custom retention available

Do you offer retention greater than 30 days?

Yes, we have additional retention options available. Contact us for more details.

Do you provide discounts for higher usage volumes?

Yes, we provide volume discounts for enterprise-scale usage. Contact us for more details.

Incident Response & Management (IRM)

Fully managed incident and response management including on-call scheduling, notifications, and incident management.

Feature highlights
Cost icon
IRM cost optimization
Billed only for active users in the on-call and incident workflow. See FAQ below.
Scale icon
Performance at scale
Automate incident lifecycle, including incident channel creation, automated timeline updates, and role assignments, with integrations to G-suite, Slack, and GitHub at scale.
Formats icon
Ease of use
Use API-first workflows to create and manage on-call schedules and automate escalations.
Lightning icon
PagerDuty migrator
Leverage OSS migrator from PagerDuty to migrate configuration for notification rules, schedules, escalation policies, and services (integrations) to Grafana OnCall.
Full feature list:

Pricing starts at:
$20 per IRM active user per month
Enterprise scale?
Contact us for volume discounts and expert support

Cloud Free

No payment. Ever.
  • Usage icon Usage limited to 3 IRM active users per month. No credit card required. Free forever.
  • Support icon Support Community support only

Cloud Pro

Pay As You Go
  • Usage icon Included usage 3 IRM active users per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Support icon Support 8x5 support

Cloud Advanced

Premium Bundle
  • Usage icon Included usage 5 IRM active users per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Support icon Support 24x7 support

What is an IRM active user?

An active IRM user is defined as a user who is included in OnCall schedules or escalation chains or performs any of the following actions:

  • Changed the status of an alert group or OnCall configuration
  • Received a page or paged another user
  • Created, edited, or updated an incident

Do you provide discounts for higher usage volumes?

Yes, we provide volume discounts for enterprise-scale usage. Contact us for more details.

Application Observability

Gain application performance insights and reduce MTTR out of the box, all based on OpenTelemetry and Prometheus.

Feature highlights
Monitor icon
Prebuilt dashboards and workflows
Accelerate time to insights with guided onboarding, Service Inventory, Service Overview, Service Map, and seamless metrics/logs/traces exploration.
Lightning icon
Correlate signals across the full stack
Correlate metrics, logs, and traces across frontend, application & infrastructure layers, preserving context during troubleshooting.
Correlations icon
OpenTelemetry and Prometheus native
Combine OpenTelemetry and Prometheus instrumentation as you want. No more expensive, proprietary instrumentation.
Full feature list:

Pricing starts at:
$0.04 Per Host Hour
Enterprise scale?
Contact us for volume discounts and expert support

Cloud Free

No payment. Ever.
  • Usage icon Usage limited to 2,232 app o11y host hours per month
  • Support icon Support Community support only

Cloud Pro

Pay As You Go
  • Usage icon Included usage 2,232 app o11y host hours per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Support icon Support 8x5 support

Cloud Advanced

Premium Bundle
  • Usage icon Included usage 3,720 app o11y host hours per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Support icon Support 24x7 support

What is a Host Hour?

An Host is a physical or virtual operating system instance that is sending observability signals including traces and span metrics - a host is considered active if it has sent observability signals in the last 15 minutes. Billable host hours is the total number of host hours measured during the month.

Note: By billing based on host hours, customers don’t have to pay for their peak (i.e. 99th percentile) host usage but rather the actual host hours consumed during the billing month.

When does Host Hour based pricing apply?

Host Hours based pricing is only applicable for customers that are using the Application Observability product offering in Grafana Cloud.

For customers not using the Application Observability product offering in Grafana Cloud and instead building their own dashboards, alerts, and workflows to monitor applications, standard pricing for Grafana Cloud Metrics, Logs, Traces, Profiles and Visualization applies and there are no charges based on Host Hours.

Do you provide discounts for higher usage volumes?

Yes, we provide volume discounts for Enterprise scale usage. Contact us for more details.

Kubernetes Monitoring

Kubernetes observability for performance, health, energy and cost monitoring.

Feature highlights
Simple setup icon
Simple setup
Connect your infrastructure by a simple helm chart installation powered by Grafana Alloy. Pre-filter to only ingest the data that is actually useful.
Highly compatible icon
Highly compatible
Designed for diverse use cases, Kubernetes Monitoring works with a broad spectrum of Kubernetes distributions, cloud service providers, and industry standards for metric capturing and exportation.
Cost monitoring icon
Cost monitoring
Identify Kubernetes efficiencies and cost savings with OpenCost-based features and visualizations. Analyze, categorize, and visualize expenses and trends by cloud provider and resource type.
Lightning icon
Instantly-correlated telemetry
Access correlated Kubernetes metrics,logs and events, Prometheus and Grafana Loki’s shared metadata keeps the exact same labels for your Kubernetes infrastructure.
Out-of-the-box observability icon
Out-of-the-box observability
Start quickly monitoring your fleet with pre-configured dashboards, alerts, and scraping rules to effectively monitor prevalent Kubernetes services.
Predictive Analytics icon
Predictive Analytics
Forecast Kubernetes object consumption, from cluster to container, including CPU & memory needs.
Full feature list:

$0.015 Per Host Hour
$0.001 Per Container Hour
Enterprise scale?
Contact us for volume discounts and expert support

Cloud Free

No payment. Ever.
  • Usage icon Usage limited to 2,232 host hours & 37,944 container hours per month
  • Support icon Support Community support only

Cloud Pro

Pay As You Go
  • Usage icon Included usage 2,232 host hours & 37,944 container hours per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Support icon Support 8x5 support

Cloud Advanced

Premium Bundle
  • Usage icon Included usage 3,720 host hours & 52,824 container hours per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Support icon Support 24x7 support

What is a Host Hour?

An Host is a physical or virtual operating system instance that is sending observability signals including k8s metrics - a host is considered active if it has sent observability signals in the last 15 minutes. Billable host hours is the total number of host hours measured during the month.

Note: By billing based on host hours, customers don’t have to pay for their peak (i.e. 99th percentile) host usage but rather the actual host hours consumed during the billing month.

When does Host Hour based pricing apply?

Host Hours based pricing is only applicable for customers that are using the Kubernetes Monitoring product offering in Grafana Cloud.

Do you provide discounts for higher usage volumes?

Yes, we provide volume discounts for enterprise-scale usage. Contact us for more details.

Frontend Observability

Fully managed real user monitoring (RUM) that provides immediate, clear, actionable insights into the end user experience of web applications.

Feature highlights
Monitor icon
Monitor end user experience
Measure page load times, user interaction, cumulative layout shift, and more Web Vitals for understanding and delivering a great user experience.
Lightning icon
Reduce MTTR for frontend errors
Intelligently group errors for faster trigaing and provide code-level visibility for faster investigation.
Correlations icon
Gain frontend-to-backend visibility
Reconstruct user behavior leading up to an issue and correlate the data with backend requests when debugging issues.
Full feature list:

Pricing starts at:
$0.90 per 1k sessions
Enterprise scale?
Contact us for volume discounts and expert support

Cloud Free

No payment. Ever.
  • Usage icon Usage limited to 50k sessions per month. No credit card required. Free forever.
  • Support icon Support Community support only

Cloud Pro

Pay As You Go
  • Usage icon Included usage 50k Sessions per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Support icon Support 8x5 support

Cloud Advanced

Premium Bundle
  • Usage icon Included usage 100k Sessions per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Support icon Support 24x7 support

What is a session?

A “session” is defined as the time that a user is spending in a frontend application on and off from start to finish or timeout. A user session is either created or resumed when a user visits and uses the site. A user session ends after a maximum lifetime of 4 hours or after inactivity timeout of 15 minutes. The SDK will automatically create a new user session in any of these situations, if the user returns.

Do you provide discounts for higher usage volumes?

Yes, we provide volume discounts for enterprise-scale usage. Contact us for more details.

Synthetic monitoring

Proactively monitors your APIs and web applications globally and throughout the application lifecycle, with out-of-the-box debugging insights.

Feature highlights
Validation icon
Validate critical user journey
Proactively monitor the performance and uptime of your websites and APIs at various network levels from around the globe, helping you track SLOs and SLAs.
Scale icon
Synthetic monitoring as code
Streamline your workflow with automated Synthetic Monitoring. Use the same k6 scripts from pre-prod to production to improve collaboration and efficiency.
Lightning icon
Debug failed checks faster
Combine the user-friendly pre-built dashboards with Grafana’s flexible dashboarding for effortless triage, diagnosis, and issue resolution.
Full feature list:

Pricing starts at:
$5 per 10k test executions
Enterprise scale?
Contact us for volume discounts and expert support

Cloud Free

No payment. Ever.
  • Usage icon Usage limited to 100k test executions per month. No credit card required. Free forever.
  • Support icon Support Community support only

Cloud Pro

Pay As You Go
  • Usage icon Included usage 100k test executions per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Support icon Support 8x5 support

Cloud Advanced

Premium Bundle
  • Usage icon Included usage 200k test executions per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Support icon Support 24x7 support

What is a test execution?

A test execution is a Synthetic test running in a probe location per minute of run time. Example: A synthetic test running in 5 locations that takes 1.5 minutes to complete will consume 10 executions each time it runs.

How do I estimate the number of test executions?

To estimate the number of test executions per month, you will need the following inputs:

  • Number of Locations (Probes)
  • Number of Targets (Tests)
  • Duration of Test (rounded to the nearest minute)
  • Frequency of Tests (in Minutes)
Using the above info, you can calculate the number of test executions per month by applying this formula (where 43,200 is the total minutes in a month): probes x tests x duration x (43,200 / frequency)

Do you provide discounts for higher usage volumes?

Yes, we provide volume discounts for enterprise-scale usage. Contact us for more details.

k6 Performance testing

Fully managed performance testing platform to prevent system failures and consistently deliver fast and reliable applications.

Feature highlights
Scale icon
Performance at scale
Run load tests in the cloud for up to 1 million concurrent virtual users or 5 million requests/second. Launch tests from 21 geographic locations to ensure a great experience no matter where your users are.
Formats icon
Ease of use and flexibility
Onboard users quickly and lower the barrier to entry for writing test scripts with the GUI test builder and browser recorder. Schedule and automate testing from the web app, CLI, and CI pipelines and use SLOs as the pass/fail criteria.
Lightning icon
k6 and Tempo
The integration generates useful aggregations, correlations, and actionable insights from users’ tracing data to help understand your performance tests and prevent reliability problems from impacting end users.
Full feature list:

Pricing starts at:
$0.15 per virtual user hour
Enterprise scale?
Contact us for volume discounts and expert support

Cloud Free

No payment. Ever.
  • Usage icon Usage limited to 500 virtual user hours (VUh) per month. No credit card required. Free forever.
  • Support icon Support Community support only

Cloud Pro

Pay As You Go
  • Usage icon Included usage 500 virtual user hours (VUh) per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Support icon Support 8x5 support

Cloud Advanced

Premium Bundle
  • Usage icon Included usage 1000 virtual user hours (VUh) per month, then pay for what you use. No usage limits.
  • Support icon Support 24x7 support

What is a virtual user hour (VUh)?

VUh is calculated by using the following formula:

(Maximum number of VUs x test execution duration in minutes) / 60 minutes = VUh

If your test ramps up to a maximum of 100 VUs and runs for 10 minutes, the test run will use 16.67 VUh ((100 VUs x 10 minutes)/60 = 16.67 VUh).

Note that VU hours are calculated based on the period that the test run executes, not the preconfigured test duration. If the test duration is 2 or more hours but runs for only 30.01 minutes, then the subscription will be charged for the test-execution period rounded up to the next minute (in this case, 31 minutes).

The minimum for a test is 1 VUh. Find additional details here.

Do you provide discounts for higher usage volumes?

Yes, we provide volume discounts for enterprise-scale usage. Contact us for more details.

Self-managed: Grafana Enterprise

Grafana self-managed with custom pricing.
Compose and scale observability with one or all pieces of the stack – on your infrastructure. Purpose-built to handle the scale of today’s data volumes and tomorrow’s growth.
  • Customized data usage, retention, and users
  • Audit logging
  • Enhanced LDAP
  • Team sync
  • Access to all Enterprise plugins
  • Custom branding
  • Customer success manager
  • Role-based access control
The Grafana Enterprise Stack includes features that provide better scalability, collaboration, operations, and governance in a self-managed environment.
Contact us

Additional pricing FAQ

Will I be billed during my 14-day unlimited usage trial?

Nope! If you decide to continue after the 14-day trial (we hope you do), you can decide between the Pro or Free plan available with Grafana Cloud.

How can I cancel my subscription or close my account?

For monthly Pro & Advanced customers, simply log into your account and go to “manage subscription” to downgrade your plan. Please note: Deleting your stack does not cancel your subscription.

For annually billed customers, the notice period will be in your service order or can be provided by your Account Executive.

If you have any questions, simply email from an email address registered as an admin on your account.