Applicant and Candidate Privacy Policy

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This policy outlines what happens with your personal data once you’ve applied to a job through our careers page.

Applicant Information: If you apply for a job at Grafana Labs through our careers page we will ask you to provide some personal information, including:

  • Full name
  • Home Address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Links to social media sites relevant to the job(s) you’re applying for
  • Various basic questions to gain a high level understanding of your skills and interest in the job(s) you’re applying for

We also receive information via your shared social platforms like LinkedIn, as well as resumes cover letters. Your information gets stored in some of our IT platforms such as Greenhouse, Enboarder, Entelo, LinkedIn, and potentially any others we might use to evaluate your candidacy.

We use this personal information to gain an understanding of your skills, qualifications, and experience. If you’ve applied for jobs at Grafana Labs in the past, we use the new information you’ve provided to sync and update the previous information so we have the most accurate and current view of you as an applicant. We hang on to your contact information for one year in order to communicate with you throughout the application process, keep you informed of any new fitting opportunities, and to report on and improve on our own recruitment process. After the end of that window, we will send you an email to see if you’d like us to keep your personal information on file so we can continue to consider you for new opportunities.

We may also request and collect additional information such as:

  • Desired salary or other compensation-related benefits
  • Location you’ll plan to work from
  • How you heard about Grafana Labs
  • Whether you are legally authorized to work in the country you are applying to work in
  • Notes from interviews with Grafana Labs team members

Please ensure that if you provide us with any referees or third party contact information, those parties have consented to you doing so and will be expecting us to contact them.