Plugins 〉Mapgl

Vadim Pyatakov

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Nodes and edges geomap with metrics & alert states

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extends base config options of Grafana Geomap with rendering and other features:

  • network topology with nodes, links and metrics
  • plot alert states from built-in Grafana alert rules
  • path (multipaths) to source as an array of coordinates or refs to intermediate locations
  • list paths for selected node in both directions (tar-src). Declare dashboard variable 'locRole' to save state
  • extended thresholds processor for metric values with overrides
  • donut chart icon for clusters listing color labels by thresholds
  • svg icons, text labels with collision filter
  • data-links: icon button in tooltip sets values for 'target' and 'source' dashboard variables to show charts dynamically in other panels.
  • comment icons for intermediate coordinates from inlined text and color (ex.: [37.560447,55.550818, 0, "comment", "green"])
  • aggregation typed nodes and offset for overlapping lines.
  • stat1/stat2 switch to show straight path with secondary metric as a label
  • optimized rendering of large datasets using WebGL
  • multi layers support of Polygon, GeoJson from url, LineString layers
  • tooltips with customizable fields
  • customizable nodes search

Explore panel and datasource config examples at the Playground
Tutorial: Observing Zabbix events on a geospatial map

Required datasource fields:

  • Coordinates for points in geojson, lon / lat or geohash format
  • Metric field for color thresholds or link your panel to Grafana alerting rules

Overview Overview Overview2

Installing Mapgl on Grafana Cloud:

For more information, visit the docs on plugin installation.



  • fix cluster labels edit in thresholds to comply with braking < Tooltip > component since Grafana 10.3.0
  • fix tooltip css classes for pointerEvents:all
  • ncu u: bump & versions


  • cluster legend-filter
  • fullscreen and compass widgets
  • migrate to 9 (with WebGPU support in the near future)


  • point circle and text label dimensions
  • svg icon rules collapsible + resource picker
  • bugfix: cluster hull polygon onHover doesn't lag on large datasets


  • alerting states from built-in Grafana annotations query. State colors for nodes and clusters
  • see-through convex hull polygon for cluster area


  • cluster max zoom menu select to control clusterization
  • convex hull polygon shows cluster boundaries, cluster expansion zoom on click
  • restore Grafana >=9.2.5 support
  • fix performance issues that occured on large datasets because of composite cluster+circles+icons+text layer with sublayers constantly recalculating. Now that IconGeoJsonLayer (circles+icons+text) is separated from IconClusterLayer, has less to render


  • svg icons for nodes
  • text labels with collision filter.
  • bug fixes: allow lineWidth custom size, no min/max


  • Multi-source, multi-target support
  • Switch path direction by declaring dashboard variable 'locRole'.
  • Data-links: icon in tooltip to sets values for 'target' and 'source' dashboard variables. This lets you show charts dynamically in other panels.
  • Comment icons for intermediate locations from text and color inlined in coordinates (ex.: [37.560447,55.550818, 0, "comment", "green"])
  • Aggregation nodes and offset for overlapping lines.
  • stat1/stat2 switch to disable offset and show secondary metric
  • edge labels in stat2 mode , aggregation nodes labels.


  • New: support for parent path as an array of coordinates or location names
  • New: aggregation nodes and offset for overlapping lines in parent path.
  • Parent line style improvements: -Extended path to root as a separate dotted line.
  • Bug fixes:
  • isolate config options for different layers;


  • Multi layers support
  • PolygonsLayer, Path (LineStrings) layer from frames datasource
  • Static GeoJson layer with FeatureCollection support from GeoJson file (url)
  • Advanced thresholds processor for metrics. Set specific color for any set of parameters describing group of features.
  • Points show toggle


Initial release. Repository has a demo provisioned dashboard with mock datasource