Plugins 〉RunReveal


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Data Source


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RunReveal data source for Grafana


For detailed instructions on how to install the plugin on Grafana Cloud or locally, please checkout the Plugin installation docs.


In order to use this data source you must have an account with RunReveal that has a valid workspace. To setup an account and get authenticated follow the getting started guide in the docs.

Once you have created your RunReveal account and installed the plugin you can configure the data source. You will need your session token and the workspace id of the workspace that you want to run queries against. To acquire this info you can use the RunReveal cli and run the following command:

runreveal config show --grafana

Use the printed values to fill in the configuration fields for the data source.

Quick Start

The plugin includes a built in dashboard that can be imported to your Grafana environment.

When configuring the datasource, select the Dashboards tab to view the available dashboards and import them.

Building Queries

The query editor uses SQL queries to access your RunReveal log data. Your log data is stored in a ClickHouse database and must be valid sql based on their syntax.

Time series

Time series visualizations are selectable after adding a datetime field with the alias of time. Most queries will use the eventTime field when selecting time series data. All other fields will be treated as a value column based on the data type of the data returned. Here is an example query that could be written to get the number of readonly events per time interval.

SELECT $__timeInterval(eventTime) as time, readOnly, COUNT(*) as counts 
FROM runreveal_logs 
WHERE eventTime between $__fromTime and $__toTime 
GROUP by time, readOnly
ORDER BY time 

Multi-line time series

Grafana supports displaying multiple metrics on a single query. By default the query will display a separate metric for all numeric fields.

If you would like to split the data based on the values of a column you need to perform a transform on the query in Grafana. When adding a transform choose the Partition by values and select the columns that the data will be split on.


RunReveal stores your normalized events in a table called runreveal_logs. This table offers a handful of columns that can be searched on. Since events are all stored in the same table data can be filtered by the sourceType column. The raw event from this source is stored in json format in the rawLog column.

RunReveal also offers some secondary tables which split the rawLog column into a normalized data structure.

In order to view which tables are accessible to your RunReveal account and which columns are available to select, you can run the following queries on the Explore tab in Grafana.

show tables

DESCRIBE [table_name]


To allow for dynamic parts, like date range filters, the query can contain macros.

Here is an example of a query with a macro:

SELECT eventTime as time, sourceType
FROM runreveal_logs
WHERE time between $__fromTime AND $__toTime
MacroDescriptionOutput example
$__fromTimeReplaced by the starting time of the range of the panel casted to DateTimetoDateTime(intDiv(1415792726371,1000))
$__toTimeReplaced by the ending time of the range of the panel casted to DateTimetoDateTime(intDiv(1415792726371,1000))
$__timeInterval(columnName)Replaced by a function calculating the interval based on window size, useful when groupingtoStartOfInterval(column, INTERVAL intDiv(20000,1000) second)

Installing RunReveal on Grafana Cloud:

For more information, visit the docs on plugin installation.



  • Include RunReveal Default Dashboard with plugin
  • Add proper error handling to query editor
  • Add annotation query support


  • Fix config page UI labels
  • Update error messages when saving data source
  • Remove console.logs that were used in testing
  • Renamed plugin slug to match Grafana naming conventions

0.1.4 (Unreleased)

  • Fix error when no records returned from query
  • Update readme
  • Update packages with known vulnerabilities

0.1.2 (Unreleased)

Initial release.