Plugins 〉Solar Flow

Lehmann Elektro

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Solar Flow

  • Overview
  • Installation
  • Change log
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Solar Flow Visualisation

Solar Flow is a simple animated visualization of solar panel production flow, designed to be displayed as a plugin on a Grafana dashboard.


  1. Add the Solar Flow plugin to your Grafana dashboard
  2. Create a data source of your solar panel production data
  3. Provide the query for the PV and Grid data in the plugin settings
  4. Adjust the panel settings to your needs and observe your solar Production/Consumption/Waste ratio on your dashboard

Data Requirements

The plugin is expecting to receive the PV and Grid data in one query. If your data is stored in two separate tables, you can use Grafana's Data-Merge feature to combine them into one query. (Refer to Grafana's documentation for more information)


Our plugin has some options that can be adjusted to your needs:

Solar/Grid Value:

These two are the most important settings in the plugin. They define the fields from your data source that contain the solar panel production and grid energy data. The plugin will use these values to calculate the load energy and visualize the flow of energy. After you provided an appropriate data source and query, you need to choose the Solar and Grid values from the dropdown list.


This settings allows you to scale the visualization to your needs.


Allows you to adjust the offset of the plugin.

Show Legend

Simply toggle to true if you want the load and grid energy points to be labeled for clearer understanding

Color Palette

You can define such colors as:

  • Solar Color - the color of the solar panel production flow
  • Grid Color - the color of the grid energy flow
  • Load Color - the color of the load energy flow
  • Lines Color - the color of the lines connecting the points

Final Result (example):



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Development Environment Setup

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies
  3. Run npm run build to build the plugin
  4. Run sudo docker compose up to start the development environment
  5. Run sudo npm run dev to start the actual plugin simultaneously
  6. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser and login with the default credentials (admin:admin)
  7. Add a new dashboard and add the Solar Flow plugin to it
  8. Create a new data source and provide the queries for the solar panel production data. Or create a grafana test data source

Installing Solar Flow on Grafana Cloud:

For more information, visit the docs on plugin installation.


1.0.0 (Unreleased)

Initial release.