Plugins 〉FlowX


Anıl Hut

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The FlowX Grafana panel enables the rendering of interactive flowcharts derived from directed graph data, consisting of nodes and edges. FlowX supports a variety of node types, each designed for specific use cases. Grafana provides a Node Graph panel for visualizing directed graph data, but its visualization capabilities are quite limited. To address the need for more advanced and rich visualizations of directed graphs, this panel has been developed. It leverages ReactFlow and DagreJS to deliver enhanced visualization features.


Installing plugin on Grafana Cloud / Local Grafana -


To use the FlowX panel, 2 different queries called "Node" and "Edge" must be added. The "Node" query is for determining the boxes, circles and diamonds we will draw. The "Edge" query is for determining the relationship between the nodes we draw. The expected columns in Node and Edge queries are as shared below. All data to come to the columns are optional (yes, including IDs, if an empty row comes, an empty node with no relationship will be drawn.) The expected data type is string for all columns.


The following table describes expected columns of the Node query:

ColumnsSupported ValuesDescription
idUnique identifier of the Node. Each Node to be drawn must have a unique ID. These ID's will be used in the Source or Target fields in the "Edge" query.
typetitle one two three four circle diamondDetermines the type of Node. The Node is drawn according to this data. However, if the popup is active, all values will appear there. Default: four
titleTitle of the Node.
value1_headerThe header that will come for the first value of the node.
value1_dataThe data that will come for the first value of the node.
value1_urlThe URL that will come for the first value of the node. "Show Popup" must be on to use.
value2_headerThe header that will come for the second value of the node.
value2_dataThe data that will come for the second value of the node.
value2_urlThe URL that will come for the second value of the node. "Show Popup" must be on to use.
value3_headerThe header that will come for the third value of the node.
value3_dataThe data that will come for the third value of the node.
value3_urlThe URL that will come for the third value of the node. "Show Popup" must be on to use.
value4_headerThe header that will come for the fourth value of the node.
value4_dataThe data that will come for the fourth value of the node.
value4_urlThe URL that will come for the fourth value of the node. "Show Popup" must be on to use.
color_conditionred red_blink orange orange_blink yellow yellow_blink green green_blink blue blue_blink gray gray_blinkField that determines the background color of the node. Blink ones flash. Default: null
urlField that can be used for the node's own URL. "Show Popup" must be on to use.
url_labelThe label that will replace the node's own URL.


The following table describes expected columns of the Edge query:

idUnique identifier of the Edge. Each Edge to be drawn must have a unique ID.
sourceSource Node ID
targetTarget Node ID

Supported Types of Node

nullDefault, node type will be set as 'four'.
titleNode showing only title column. But if "Show Popup" option is on, other title, data, url columns will be shown in popup.
oneNode showing value1_header, value1_data columns. But if "Show Popup" option is on, other title, data, url columns will be shown in popup.
twoNode showing value1_header, value1_data, value2_header, value2_data columns. But if "Show Popup" option is on, other title, data, url columns will be shown in popup.
threeNode showing value1_header, value1_data, value2_header, value2_data, value3_header, value3_data columns. But if "Show Popup" option is on, other title, data, url columns will be shown in popup.
fourNode showing value1_header, value1_data, value2_header, value2_data, value3_header, value3_data, value4_header, value4_data columns. But if "Show Popup" option is on, other title, data, url columns will be shown in popup.
circleA node with circle shape that does not display columns. But if "Show Popup" option is on, other title, data, url columns will be shown in popup.
diamondA node with diamond shape that does not display columns. But if "Show Popup" option is on, other title, data, url columns will be shown in popup.

Supported Colors of Node

nullDefault, paints the background white.
redPaints the background #f2495c.
red_blinkBlinks between #f2495c and white.
orangePaints the background #ff9830.
orange_blinkBlinks between #ff9830 and white.
yellowPaints the background #fade2a.
yellow_blinkBlinks between #fade2a and white.
greenPaints the background #73bf69.
green_blinkBlinks between #73bf69 and white.
bluePaints the background #5794f2.
blue_blinkBlinks between #5794f2 and white.
grayPaints the background #ebebeb.
gray_blinkBlinks between #ebebeb and white.

FlowX Panel Options

The following table describes FlowX panel options:

Background SettingsBackground ColorGrafana Color Palette#ffffff
Background SettingsBackground TypeNone Dots Cross LinesNone
Background SettingsType Gap1 >= Type Gap <= 5028
Background SettingsType Size1 >= Type Size <= 101
Background SettingsType ColorGrafana Color Palette#000000
Layout SettingsLayout DirectionTop to Bottom Left to RightTop to Bottom
Layout SettingsShow Layout Optionson offon
Layout SettingsShow Mini Mapon offon
Layout SettingsShow Controlson offon
Layout SettingsHide Attribution (Pro)on offoffPlease only hide the attribution if you are subscribed to React Flow Pro:
Layout SettingsMaximum Zoom1 >= Maximum Zoom <= 104
Layout SettingsMinimum Zoom0.1 >= Minimum Zoom <= 10.1
Node SettingsDraggable Nodeson offoff
Node SettingsShow Popupon offoffThis option must be turned on to use Node or Value URLs.
Edge SettingsEdge Animationon offon
Edge SettingsEdge TypeDefault Straight Step Smoothstep SimplebezierDefault
Edge SettingsEdge Stroke1 >= Edge Stroke <= 101
Edge SettingsEdge ColorGrafana Color Palette#000000


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Credits and References

  1. ReactFlow
  2. DagreJS
  3. Build a panel plugin tutorial
  4. Grafana documentation
  5. Grafana Tutorials
  6. Grafana UI Library

Installing FlowX on Grafana Cloud:

For more information, visit the docs on plugin installation.


1.0.0 (Unreleased)

Initial release.