Gatling Report

Gatling Report

Gatling Report screenshot 1
Gatling Report screenshot 2
Gatling Report screenshot 3
Gatling Report screenshot 4
Gatling Report screenshot 5
Gatling Report screenshot 6
Gatling Report screenshot 7
Gatling Report screenshot 8
Gatling Report screenshot 9
Gatling Report screenshot 10
Gatling Report screenshot 11
Gatling Report screenshot 12
Gatling Report screenshot 13
Gatling Report screenshot 14


Open model: Gatling Grafana Report openmodel-rampusers2

Closed model: Gatling Grafana Report closemodel-incrementconcurrentusers


Use Grafana 6.5 - 6.7 for develop, modification and work.

Use Grafana 7.0.3 beta for work and small modification: Grafana 7.0 did not support creating links with ${cell} params in URL, but support vew and modify links with ${cell} in Table Panel Old (backward compatibility).

Example docker containter start with plugins and settings: /devenv/

#!/bin/sh -x

git clone
cd gatling-grafana-dashboard/devenv

DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
ID=$(id -u)

docker network create loadlab
docker pull grafana/grafana

docker run --name=grafana \
 --network=loadlab --user $ID -p 3000:3000 \
 -v "$DIR/grafana.ini":/etc/grafana/grafana.ini \
 -v "$DIR/plugins":/var/lib/grafana/plugins \
 -v "$DIR/provisioning":/etc/grafana/provisioning \
 -v "$DIR/var/lib/grafana":/var/lib/grafana \
 -v "$DIR/usr/share/grafana":/var/usr/share/grafana \
 -v "$DIR/var/log/grafana":/var/log/grafana \
  1. Change datasource settings in /devenv/provisioning/datasources/influxdb-Gatling_TCP.yml - for example set basicAuth: false and database: gatling
  2. Open http://localhost:3000/d/gatlingTrendWithLink, demo link:
  3. Select Test Run in Navigate menu, go to link http://localhost:3000/d/gatling/…some…params…
  4. View http://localhost:3000/d/gatling report

Default admin password in grafana.ini:

Source code and developer environment


  • Full Copy of HTML Gatling Report - all graphs and tables
  • Distributed testing support - sum metrics from multiple hostname (load agent) with filtering by hostname
  • Support grouping request
  • Filtering by RunID
  • Navigate Menu
  • Support Closing Load Model - new graph “Concurrent Users”


  • Dynamic select Grafana Granularity: $g = gatling write period
  • Dynamic calculate test Duration for RunID tag
  • Highlight zero values in tables
  • Support both Dark and White Grafana themes



Full View

Filter by Load Station (default All - sum result from multiple load agent). Time Link - link to navigate to other Test Run with same Simulation name:

Filter by Group (support Gatling Group store, filtering and visualise) for Group 1, 2, 3 levels:

Test Report header:

  • Simulation name
  • Test RunID
  • Names of Load Stations
  • Test Duration

And Indicators

  • time <= 40 ms
  • time > 40 && time <= 100
  • time > 100

Treshold 40, 100 get from Grafana variables (may be changed via URL params &var-duration_1=40&var-duration_2=100):

Global Information / Statistics:

  • Group names: Group (level 1), Group (level 2), Group (level 3) if needed
  • Requests - request name
    • synthetic request Global Information - all request alias
  • Total - total count (default sort order by Total DESC)
  • OK - ok count
  • KO - not ok count
  • %KO = KO for current request / Total for Global Information


Full influxdb.conf example: /devenv/influxdb.conf

# Determines whether the graphite endpoint is enabled.
enabled = true
database = "gatling"
# retention-policy = ""
bind-address = ":2003"
protocol = "tcp"
# consistency-level = "one"
templates = [
  "gatling.*.users.*.*      measurement.simulation.measurement.request.field",
  "gatling.*.*.*.*.*.*   measurement.simulation.group1.group2.request.status.field   group=2",
  "gatling.*.*.*.*.*   measurement.simulation.group1.request.status.field   group=1",
  "gatling.*.*.*.*   measurement.simulation.request.status.field   group=0",

  "v2.gatling.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*   group=2",
  "v2.gatling.*.*.*.*.*.*.*   group=1",
  "v2.gatling.*.*.*.*.*.*   group=0",

# These next lines control how batching works. You should have this enabled
# otherwise you could get dropped metrics or poor performance. Batching
# will buffer points in memory if you have many coming in.

# Flush if this many points get buffered
batch-size = 5000

# number of batches that may be pending in memory
batch-pending = 10

# Flush at least this often even if we haven't hit buffer limit
batch-timeout = "10s"

### This string joins multiple matching 'measurement' values providing more control over the final measurement name.
separator = "."

### Default tags that will be added to all metrics.  These can be overridden at the template level
### or by tags extracted from metric
# tags = ["region=us-east", "zone=1c"]

Gatling (settings for support RunID and Hostname filter in Gatling Report)

Project Example:

What is RunID?

  • RunID is a unique identificator of Gatling test runs, with starts in same time.
  • Load agent hostname - not unique, Simulation - not unique (it is load profile name), but RunID + Simulation + Hostname - unique result.
  • RunID combine multiple load agents results (multiple hostname) into one Gatling test run: filter by RunID + Simulation, but not by Hostname (host = All).

Settings in Gatling.conf

Example /src/test/resources/gatling.conf

  1. Enable graphite support via ( = [graphite])
  2. Disable or paramertize rootPathPrefix in
    • Comment rootPathPrefix in section - for support override this prefix and pass RunId and Hostname from Gatling to InfluxDB
    • Use Environment Variable GATLING_PREFIX forrootPathPrefix value - for support override this prefix and pass RunId and Hostname from Gatling to InfluxDB

Short example:

gatling {
  data {
    writers = [console, file, graphite]
    console {
      light = false          # When set to true, displays a light version without detailed request stats
      writePeriod = 10       # Write interval, in seconds
    file {
      light = false          # Full Information
      bufferSize = 8192      # FileDataWriter's internal data buffer size, in bytes
    leak {
      noActivityTimeout = 60 # Period, in seconds, for which Gatling may have no activity before considering a leak may be happening
    graphite {
      light = false          # Full Information
      host = "localhost"     # The host where the Carbon server is located
      port = 2003            # The port to which the Carbon server listens to
      protocol = "tcp"       # The protocol used to send data to Carbon (currently supported : "tcp", "udp")
      #rootPathPrefix = "gatling" #! Disable default prefix for using custom prefix: v2.gatling.{run}.{host} 
      bufferSize = 81920     # Internal data buffer size, in bytes
      writePeriod = 1        # Write period, in seconds


gatling {
  data {
    writers = [console, file, graphite]
    console {
      light = false          # When set to true, displays a light version without detailed request stats
      writePeriod = 10       # Write interval, in seconds
    file {
      light = false          # Full Information
      bufferSize = 8192      # FileDataWriter's internal data buffer size, in bytes
    leak {
      noActivityTimeout = 60 # Period, in seconds, for which Gatling may have no activity before considering a leak may be happening
    graphite {
      light = false          # Full Information
      host = "localhost"     # The host where the Carbon server is located
      port = 2003            # The port to which the Carbon server listens to
      protocol = "tcp"       # The protocol used to send data to Carbon (currently supported : "tcp", "udp")
      rootPathPrefix=${?GATLING_PREFIX} #! Override default prefix via envirinment variable with: v2.gatling.{run}.{host} 
      bufferSize = 81920     # Internal data buffer size, in bytes
      writePeriod = 1        # Write period, in seconds

Start Gatling test with custom rootPathPrefix

Calculate RunID via bash script: gatling-report-example/ with round date time for 5 minutes

# ./

datetimePrefix=`date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H'`
dateTimeMinute=`date '+%M'`

roundMinute=$(expr "$dateTimeMinute" / $round)
roundMinute=$(expr "$roundMinute" \* $round)
roundMinute=$(printf "%02d" $roundMinute)

export GATLING_PREFIX="v2.gatling.$datetimePrefix:$roundMinute.`hostname`"


Calculate RunID via Scala script: gatling-report-example/src/test/scala/io/qaload/gatling/reportExample/setting/TestConfig.scala with round date time for 5 minutes

class RunIdConvertor extends Converter[String] {

  def getRoundStartTime(roundMinute: Int): String = {
    val dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd_HH")
    val startTime =
    val date = new Date()                  // given date
    val calendar = new GregorianCalendar() // creates a new calendar instance
    calendar.setTime(date)                 // assigns calendar to given date
    val minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE)
    val minuteRound = round(floor( 1.0d * minute / roundMinute) * roundMinute)

  def convert(targetMethod: Method, text: String): String = {
    if (text != "") {
    } else {

Case 1: SBT and pass RunID + Hostname via Command Line

Example: gatling-report-example/

If comment rootPathPrefix in



sbt$GATLING_ROOT_PATH_PREFIX  "gatling:testOnly io.qaload.gatling.reportExample.simulation.OpenModel_AtOnceUsers"

If use Environment Variable GATLING_PREFIX forrootPathPrefix



GATLING_ROOT_PATH_PREFIX=$GATLING_ROOT_PATH_PREFIX sbt "gatling:testOnly io.qaload.gatling.reportExample.simulation.OpenModel_AtOnceUsers"

Case 2: Maven and pass RunID + Hostname via Command Line

Example: gatling-report-example/

If use Environment Variable GATLING_PREFIX forrootPathPrefix



GATLING_ROOT_PATH_PREFIX=$GATLING_ROOT_PATH_PREFIX mvn gatling:test -Dsimulation=OpenModel_AtOnceUsers

Case 3: IntelliJ IDEA and pass RunID + Hostname via App parameters

Example: gatling-report-example/src/test/scala/Engine.scala


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