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NGINX Ingress controller

Ingress-nginx supports a rich collection of prometheus metrics. If you have prometheus and grafana installed on your cluster then prometheus will already be scraping this data due to the scrape annotation on the deployment.

SOURCE: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/tree/master/deploy/grafana/dashboards

Grafana Dashboards

Ingress-nginx supports a rich collection of prometheus metrics. If you have prometheus and grafana installed on your cluster then prometheus will already be scraping this data due to the scrape annotation on the deployment.

This folder contains a dashboard that you can import:



  • Ability to filter by Namespace, Controller Class and Controller
  • Visibility of Request Volume, connections, success rates, config reloads and configs out of sync.
  • Network IO pressure, memory and CPU use
  • Ingress P50, P95 and P99 percentile response times with IN/OUT throughput
  • SSL certificate expiry
  • Annotational overlays to show when config reloads happened


  • Grafana v5.2.0 (or newer)

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