OpenNMS Basic SNMP data

Display basic SNMP data collected on Linux hosts with OpenNMS >= 25.2.x for use with OpenNMS Helm 5.0.0 in Grafana 6.6 (optionally with R for trendlines).

OpenNMS Basic SNMP data screenshot 1
OpenNMS Basic SNMP data screenshot 2
OpenNMS Basic SNMP data screenshot 3

This dashboard shows performance metrics collected via SNMP. It is inteded for OpenNMS 25.x with OpenNMS Helm 5.x and Grafana 6.6. For older versions of OpenNMS / Grafana please dowload revision 9 resp. 5.


The forecasts require R to be installed on the grafana/opennms-helm server. This can be done on Ubuntu with the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install r-recommended

Alternatively you can use the following command on CentOS/Red Hat:

$ sudo dnf install R


If you have any suggestions or feature requests, please post me a review!


  • Revision 10

    • Update to OpenNMS 25.2.1 and Grafana 6.6
    • Fixed top row single stats
  • Revision 9

    • Update to OpenNMS 25 and Helm 4
    • Added UDP statistics
    • Added Linux Sensor names
  • Revision 8

    • Added disk trends
    • Automatically display trends
  • Revision 7

    • Updated Memory Panel
    • Cosmetic changes for playlist usage (CPU, Load, Memory, and Disk on one screen)
  • Revision 6

    • Added Memory Panel
    • Added ssCpuRawGuest, ssCpuRawGuestNice, and ssCpuRawSteal metrics (might require datacollection changes)
  • Revision 5 (Last version with OpenNMS 21.x and Grafana 4.6 support)

    • Added DiskIOIndex (Disk Load)
    • Added Number of users panel
    • Added Number of processes panel
    • Added System uptime panel
    • Added Top row with Load, #Users, #Process, Uptime
    • Merged Swap statistics and TCP statistics
  • Revision 4

    • Added LM Sensor data
    • Beautified interface and hrStorage names


by Grafana Labs
Grafana Labs solution

Easily monitor any generic SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) device with Grafana Cloud's out-of-the-box monitoring solution.

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