JVM (Micrometer)

Dashboard for Micrometer instrumented applications (Java, Spring Boot, Micronaut)

JVM (Micrometer) screenshot 1
JVM (Micrometer) screenshot 2

JVM (Micrometer)

A dashboard for Micrometer instrumented applications (Java, Spring Boot, Micronaut).


  • JVM memory
  • Process memory (provided by micrometer-jvm-extras)
  • CPU-Usage, Load, Threads, Thread States, File Descriptors, Log Events
  • JVM Memory Pools (Heap, Non-Heap)
  • Garbage Collection/Pressure
  • Classloading
  • Direct-/Mapped-Buffer
  • minimalist I/O Overview
    • HTTP - Rate, Errors, Duration
    • TOMCAT/JETTY - Utilisation


Instead of using the job tag to distinct different applications, this dashboard makes use of a common tag called application applied to every metric.

In a Spring Boot setting, this could look like this:

MeterRegistryCustomizer<MeterRegistry> configurer(
    @Value("${spring.application.name}") String applicationName) {
    return (registry) -> registry.config().commonTags("application", applicationName);

Or since Spring Boot 2.1 / Micrometer 1.1.0 with a property:



  • micrometer:1.1.0+
  • micrometer-jvm-extras:0.1.2+


  • 2023-05-04 (Revision 10)
    • added GC Pressure panel in JVM Misc section
    • changed process average CPU usage query from 1h to 15m
    • reworked Buffer Pool panels
      • combined buffer usage and buffer count into one panel
      • fixed buffer detection (where hardcoded to “direct” and “mapped” before)
    • removed JVM Memory Pool selection dropdown
  • 2019-11-03 (Revision 9)
    • adjusted “JVM Process Memory” panel to micrometer-jvm-extras:0.2.0 (removed ‘pss’ and ‘swappss’)
    • dropped micrometer:1.0.x query fallbacks from PromQL
    • minor polish
  • 2019-04-15 (Revision 8)
    • fixed PromQL query for Java11 non-heap areas
    • GC allocation/promotion unit changed to bytes/s (from byte)
    • moved process memory metrics to dedicated panel
  • 2018-11-14 (Revision 7)
    • updated some metric queries (with fallbacks) due to meter name changes from Micrometer 1.0.x to 1.1.x
    • added Thread States panel


For suggestions or bug reports, please contact me on Twitter or contact/DM mweirauch in the Micrometer Slack.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

by Grafana Labs
Grafana Labs solution

Easily monitor a Java virtual machine, which allows computers to run Java programs, with Grafana Cloud's out-of-the-box monitoring solution.

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