Ambassador Edge Stack

Ambassador Edge Stack dashboard for Prometheus

Ambassador Edge Stack screenshot 1
Ambassador Edge Stack screenshot 2
Ambassador Edge Stack screenshot 3
Ambassador Edge Stack screenshot 4

Monitoring dashboard for Ambassador Edge Stack and Emissary-ingress

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Revision 6

Added visualizations for Ambassador Edge Stack WAF. Thanks @AliceProxy!

Revision 5

Complete rewrite of the dashboard

  • Supports Prometheus data source and metrics format from Ambassador Edge Stack and Emissary-ingress version greater than 2.0.
  • Divided into 5 sections, with graphs for each component:
    • Emissary-ingress Control Plane
    • Ambassador Edge Stack
    • Envoy Data Plane
    • Envoy Downstream (from clients)
    • Envoy Upstream (to services)

Revision 4

  • Support for both statsd exported metrics and Prometheus scraped /metrics endpoint for Ambassador version greater than 0.71.0. Thanks to @nkrause !
  • Removed Tracing and External Rate Limit service graphs

Revision 3

  • Added Tracing service stats
  • Configurable Prometheus datasource
  • Configurable Ambassador Listener port (if not running on port 80)

Revision 2

  • Added External Rate Limit service stats
  • Requires Grafana 5

Revision 1

  • Global API Requests listener
  • Downstream connections
  • Registered service count
  • External Auth service stats
  • Grafana 4

Source and revisions:


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