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kubernetes pod metrics in elasticsearch

cpu and memory of kubernetes pods collected by heapster using elasticsearch as a sink

This shows cpu and memory metrics from kubernetes pods collected by heapster using elasticsearch as a sink. Cluster, namespace and pod are provided as template variables. Configure heapster to start with


Configure two grafana data sources (for the same elasticsearch url), one using CpuMetricsTimestamp as a time field, another using MemoryMetricsTimestamp as a time field. Seems weird to have the same url in two data sources, but I couldn’t get around it. See screenshot for index template. Set group by time interval in both data sources to your heapster --metric-resolution argument. Heapster default is 1m, so set group by time interval to >1m, see screenshot.

Software versions used:

  • Heapster version: v1.4.2
  • Elasticsearch version: 5.5.1
  • Grafana version: 4.4.3

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