Microsoft SQL Server Dashboard

This is a comprehensive Microsoft SQL Server Dashboard designed to monitor key performance indicators. It provides real-time insights into your SQL Server environment

Microsoft SQL Server Dashboard screenshot 1
Microsoft SQL Server Dashboard screenshot 2

Microsoft SQL Server Dashboard


This is a comprehensive Grafana dashboard designed for monitoring Microsoft SQL Server. It provides real-time insights into your SQL Server environment, making it easy for both technical and non-technical users to understand the performance of their SQL Server instances.


The dashboard includes the following panels:

  1. Uptime: Displays the SQL Server start time.
  2. Queries per Second: Shows the average duration of queries and their execution count.
  3. Table Locks: Provides information about the current table locks in the system.
  4. Buffer Pool Hit Rate: Visualizes the rate of hits in the buffer pool.
  5. Index Usage: Presents the usage statistics of indexes.
  6. Buffer Pool Usage: Monitors the usage of the buffer pool.
  7. CPU Utilization: Tracks the CPU usage of the SQL Server.
  8. Disk I/O: Monitors the disk input/output operations.
  9. Network Usage: Displays the network traffic related to the SQL Server.
  10. Memory Usage: Provides insights into the memory consumption of the SQL Server.
  11. Query Cache: Displays the query cache statistics in the SQL Server.
  12. Current Connections: Shows the current connections to the SQL Server.
  13. Table Locks: Provides information about the current table locks in the system.
  14. Running Threads: Displays the number of running threads in the SQL Server.
  15. Open Files Limit: Shows the limit of open files in the SQL Server.
  16. Temp Tables Created On Disk: Visualizes the number of temporary tables created on disk.
  17. Slow Queries: Displays the slow queries in the SQL Server.
  18. RowCount: Shows the total number of rows across all tables in the database.
  19. Total Space: Displays the total space (in MB) allocated to all tables in the database.
  20. Used Space: Shows the space (in MB) currently used by all tables in the database.
  21. Unused Space: Provides information on the unused space (in MB) within the allocated space for all tables in the database.

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Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure

by Grafana Labs
Grafana Labs solution

Easily monitor Microsoft Azure. Collect and analyze data from monitored resources with Grafana Cloud's out-of-the-box monitoring solution.

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