Azure Monitor / Container Insights / ContainerLogV2

Dashboard visualizing ContainerLogV2 records collected by Azure Monitor

Azure Monitor / Container Insights / ContainerLogV2 screenshot 1

Kubernetes Logs Metadata encompasses essential information such as Pod labels, Pod Annotations, Image, ImageHash, ImageRepo, and PodUID. This metadata plays a crucial role in enabling rich context for log records, allowing seamless correlation with Kubernetes resources.

The dashboard presented here visualizes ContainerLogV2 data alongside Kubernetes Metadata. For further details, refer to the documentation here: Kubernetes Metadata and Logs Filtering

Before diving in, ensure the following prerequisites:

  1. Container Insights is enabled for your selected AKS cluster.
  2. Kubernetes Metadata collection and ContainerLogV2 are both activated via ConfigMap.

Read more on annotation based filtering here: Annotation Based Log Filtering

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