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This Grafana monitoring panel is designed for the frp project, aiming to monitor the connection count, proxy count, and traffic data of frp servers. The panel provides intuitive charts and data to help users understand the real-time operational status and performance metrics of frp servers.

Panel Description (面板描述)

This Grafana monitoring panel is designed for the frp project, aiming to monitor the connection count, proxy count, and traffic data of frp servers. The panel provides intuitive charts and data to help users understand the real-time operational status and performance metrics of frp servers.

这个 Grafana 监控面板是为 frp 项目设计的,用于监控 frp 服务器的连接数、代理数、流量数据。面板提供了直观的图表和数据,帮助用户实时了解 frp 服务器的运行状态和性能指标。

Features (特性)

  • Displays key metrics such as connection count, proxy count, and traffic data of frp servers.

  • Provides real-time monitoring of traffic, proxy count, and connection count of frp servers.

  • 显示 frp 服务器的连接数、代理数、流量数据等关键指标

  • 提供对 frp 服务器的流量情况、代理数、连接数的实时监控

Usage Instructions (使用说明)

  1. Enable Prometheus monitoring for your frp server by referring to the documentation here.

  2. Configure Prometheus to collect monitoring data from your frp server.

  3. Import the JSON file of this monitoring panel.

  4. Select the frp monitoring panel in Grafana to monitor the real-time status and performance metrics of your frp server.

  5. 为你的frp 开启 Prometheus 监控,可以查看文档

  6. 配置 Prometheus 收集您的 frp 服务器的监控数据。

  7. 导入本监控面板的 JSON 文件。

  8. 在Grafana中选择frp监控面板,您将能够实时监控frp服务器的状态和性能指标

Contribution (贡献)

Contributions and improvements to this monitoring panel are welcome. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please feel free to contact me at admin@sqkkyzx.com.

欢迎对本监控面板的改进和贡献。如果您发现任何问题或有任何建议,可以通过电子邮件联系我 admin@sqkkyzx.com

Reference (参考)

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