Telegraf metrics monitoring template

A public dashboard for Telegraf metrics monitoring using Grafana

Telegraf metrics monitoring template screenshot 1

Telegraf Dashboard for Grafana

This is the Grafana version of the Telegraf metrics monitoring template for InfluxDB.


This dashboard assumes that you already set up:

  • An InfluxDB instance and its relative datasource in Grafana
  • A bucket named Telegraf with 7 days retention
  • A Telegraf config plugin for internal metrics collection and InfluxDB v2 output

Details about the setup instruction can be found here

Metrics collected

This dashboard allows to monitor the Telegraf agent, input plugins, set up alarms, identify errors in the metrics collection and so on. The following is a non exaustive list of the metrics collected from Telegraf internal metrics plugin.

  • Number of metrics collected
  • Metrics collected vs written per second
  • Metrics gathered per input per minute
  • Write buffer size
  • Memory Allocations
  • Metrics written
  • Input plugin errors
  • Errors per input
  • Errors per output
  • Garbage collection



Get this dashboard

Import the dashboard template


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