Atempo Lina

Dashboard for Atempo Lina Continuous Data Protection

Atempo Lina screenshot 1
Atempo Lina screenshot 2
Atempo Lina screenshot 3


This dashboard requires :

  • Lina standalone server or master server (in a multi-node setup) version 7.1 or superior
  • Grafana with Polystat panel and Treemap panel
  • Prometheus for scraping

Add an API Key

In order to allow Prometheus to scrape Lina metrics endpoint you must create an API Key associated to a superadmin-level user.

To generate a new API key :

  1. Go to Server > Users
  2. In the list of users, click a user.
  3. In the user details, click API keys.
  4. Define an expiration date for the new API key
  5. Click Add an API key.
  6. Copy this API key for later use

Example of Prometheus configuration

This is an example of Prometheus configuration to scrape Lina metrics

Extract of scrape_configs section of prometheus.yml configuration file :

  - job_name: 'lina'
    scrape_interval: 5m
    scrape_timeout: 1m
      api_key: ['API-KEY']
    metrics_path: /ADE/metrics
    scheme: https
      insecure_skip_verify: true
      - targets: ['']

Replace API-KEY with previously generated API key.

Replace ’ with hostname and administration port of your Lina server.

Note: Parameter insecure_skip_verify: true is only required if your Lina server certificate is not valid (self-signed or unknown authority).

Import dashboard

Import the current dashboard into Grafana.


Get this dashboard

Import the dashboard template


Download JSON
