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Langchain Observability Dashboard

Observability dashboard for langchain framework. This dashboard is powered by https://xpuls.ai. For auto-instrumentation checkout: https://github.com/xpuls-labs/xpuls-ml-sdk.

Auto Instrument your langchain application with a single line of code. Steps:

  1. Install xpuls-ml-sdk from pypi using pip install xpuls-ml-sdk
  2. Add below code (basic usage, for advanced guide refer to below links)
from xpuls.mlmonitor.langchain.instrument import LangchainTelemetry

# Add default labels that will be added to all captured metrics
default_labels = {"service": "ml-project-service", "k8s-cluster": "app0", "name": "fallback_value"}

# Enable the auto-telemetry

Checkout more details at the github repository: xpuls-ml-sdk

For detailed documentation on how to instrument, check out: https://github.com/xpuls-labs/xpuls-ml-sdk-python/blob/main/docs/langchain.md

To know more, visit: https://xpuls.ai

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For advanced tracking and logs integration, you can try out our platform @ https://platform.xpuls.ai. It’s FREE

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