tado (tm) unofficial Dashboard

Grafana Dashboard that shows the temperatures, humidity, activity, devices for all rooms. A detailed view is shown based on the selected room. Telegraf exporter: https://github.com/dam2k/telegraf-dam2ktado (PHP)

tado (tm) unofficial Dashboard screenshot 1
tado (tm) unofficial Dashboard screenshot 2
tado (tm) unofficial Dashboard screenshot 3
tado (tm) unofficial Dashboard screenshot 4
tado (tm) unofficial Dashboard screenshot 5

Tado metrics - tags and fields

The exported metrics collected by telegraf thanks to this plugin are defined below.

Zones: your house rooms


  • zoneid: your tado defined zone ID
  • zonename: your zone name (eg the room name, as you have defined the zone into your tado app)
  • zonetype: your zone controller type (eg HEATING, AIR_CONDITIONING)


  • power: OFF or ON. If you enabled yor thermostat for the zone
  • desired_celsius: Desired celsius temperature for the zone
  • linkstate: ONLINE or OFFLINE. If the zone is detected online by the tado network
  • controltype: MANUAL or AUTOMATIC. If the thermostat controller is setted manually or automatically
  • celsius: The actual temperature for the zone in celsius degrees (C.)
  • humidity: The actual humidity for the zone (percentual)
  • heating_power: The actual heating power setted by tado to reach the desired room temperature (percentual)

Devices: your tado devices


  • zoneid: your tado defined zone ID
  • zonename: your zone name (eg the room name, as you have defined the zone into your tado app)
  • zonetype: your zone controller type (eg HEATING, AIR_CONDITIONING)
  • serialNo: your tado device serial number (thermostat, valve, etc)


  • deviceType: your tado device type (eg RU02, VA02, etc)
  • shortSerialNo: short device serial number
  • currentFwVersion: the device firmware version
  • connectionState: the device connection state to the tado bridge. Can be true or false
  • batteryState: the device battery level (NORMAL, LOW or n/a for devices without batteries)
  • mountingState: the mounting state. CALIBRATED for devices that require mounting (like valves) or n/a if unnecessary

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