z/VM Overview

z/VM Overview screenshot 1

The dashboard provides a high level performance overview of the z/VM® hypervisor as collected by the z/VM Performance Data Pump using the default configuration. The focus of the dashboard is a single z/VM system; the pull-down selection can be used to show data from another z/VM system. The dashboard shows overall CPU- and memory usage, and network and disk I/O throughput. Additional rows of panels provide metrics on the other partitions on the same machine to better understand CPU contention on LPAR-level. A usage break-down by user class is provided to analyze CPU contention within the z/VM system. A row with dashboard lists contains the pointers to other installed dashboards, making it a good home dashboard.

This dashboard is licensed by IBM under the Apache 2.0 License and is provided ‘as is’ without warranty, representation, support, maintenance or an obligation to issue updates.


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