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Speedtest Tracker v2 - InfluxDBv2

A dashboard to display data exported by Speedtest Tracker

A dashboard to display data exported by Speedtest Tracker v2 . Avalible Now at Grafana Dashboard 17808 (https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/17808-speedtest-tracker-v2-influxdbv2) (https://github.com/masterwishx/Speedtest-Tracker-v2-InfluxDBv2)

This dashboard shows data collected by Speedtest Tracker v2 https://github.com/alexjustesen/speedtest-tracker and exported in an InfluxDBv2 database in the bucket.

Dashboard based on my previous dashboard Speedtest Tracker - InfluxDBv2 with guide for OLD Speedtest Tracker app. https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/16428-speedtest-tracker/

Same steps here as before for exporting data but without needs for influxDBv1.

6.4.24 - Added Multi bucket support.

20.4.24 - Panels fixed + Avg Speed fixed.

You can change bucket name and add multiple buckets by :

  • Go to Dashboard Setting - Variables - Click on bucket - Custom options:

Screenshot 2024-04-06 204806

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