Traefik On K8s Via Loki

Loki on k8s using JSON Traefik access logs.

Traefik On K8s Via Loki screenshot 1

This Dashboard expects a Traefik helm chart installed and running in a k8s cluster. and a Loki datasource enabled to collect traefik access logs.

You Need to update Traefik deployment and allow access logs in a Json format.

Edit Traefik deployment and enable json access logs.

$ kubectl -n traefik edit deployment.apps/traefik

  - args:
    - --log.level=INFO
    - --log.format=json
    - --accesslog.format=json
    - --accesslog=true
Grafana Loki (self-hosted)

Grafana Loki (self-hosted)

by Grafana Labs
Grafana Labs solution

Easily monitor Grafana Loki (self-hosted), a horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus, with Grafana Cloud's out-of-the-box monitoring solution.

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