Smokeping blackbox_exporter

Smokeping-like latency and loss graphs from blackbox_exporter and prometheus

Smokeping blackbox_exporter screenshot 1

This dashboard generates Smokeping-like visualizations from blackbox_exporter measurements stored in prometheus. With a scrape interval of 15 seconds you get 20 packets every 5 minutes, which is an equivalent resolution to Smokeping, but lower intervals can be used for higher sensitivity.

The “smoke” shows the range of minimum RTT, 10th percentile, 20th percentile … 90th percentile, and maximum. The median is shown with a strong green line. Packet loss is overlaid.

For ICMP probes: probe_icmp_duration_seconds{phase=“rtt”} is used, giving the ping time without DNS lookup or other overheads.

For other probes (HTTP or DNS): probe_duration_seconds is used, giving the complete request/response cycle time.


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